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Found 17049 papers in total
Supply chain choice on the Internet
Internet companies extensively use the practice of drop-shipping, where the wholesaler...
Dual-optimal inequalities for stabilized column generation
Column generation is one of the most successful approaches for solving large-scale...
The network packing problem in terrestrial broadcasting
The introduction of digital terrestrial broadcasting all over Europe requires a...
Design and control of a large call center: asymptotic analysis of an LP-based method
This paper analyzes a call center model with m customer classes and r agent pools. The...
The effects of new franchisor partnering strategies on franchise system size
Many young firms use strategic actions to attract partners who help them increase the...
Optimal dynamic advertising policy for new products
Advertising is one of the key marketing tools managers have at their disposal to...
Competitive advertising strategies and market-size dynamics: a research note on theory and evidence
This paper analyzes competing firms' advertising strategies in markets characterized...
A note on feedback sequential equilibria in a Lanchester model with empirical application
We study in this paper dynamic equilibrium advertising strategies in a duopoly with...
Targeted advertising strategies on television
The personal video recorder (PVR) facilitates the use of targeted advertising by...
Relative entropy, exponential utility, and robust dynamic pricing
In the area of dynamic revenue management, optimal pricing policies are typically...
Price guarantees in dynamic pricing and revenue management
We present a new model for revenue management of product sales that incorporates both...
A monopolistic and oligopolistic stochastic flow revenue management model
This paper studies a one-shot inventory replenishment problem with dynamic pricing....
Models of the spiral-down effect in revenue management
The spiral-down effect occurs when incorrect assumptions about customer behavior cause...
Revenue management for a multiclass single-server queue via a fluid model analysis
Motivated by the recent adoption of tactical pricing strategies in manufacturing...
A branch-and-cut algorithm for the dial-a-ride problem
In the dial-a-ride problem, users formulate requests for transportation from a...
Coupling stochastic and deterministic local search in examination timetabling
In this paper, we propose a novel optimization algorithm for examination timetabling....
The impact of product lifecycle on capacity planning of closed-loop supply chains with remanufacturing
Product recovery operations in reverse supply chains face rapidly changing demand due...
Value of information in closed loop supply chains
We explore the value of information (VOI) in the context of a firm that faces...
An efficient trajectory method for probabilistic production–inventory–distribution problems
We consider a supply chain operating in an uncertain environment: The customers'...
Optimizing service parts inventory in a multiechelon, multi-item supply chain with time-based customer service-level agreements
In the realm of service parts management, customer relationships are often established...
Equilibrium forward contracts on nonstorable commodities in the presence of market power
Bilateral supply contracts are widely used despite the presence of spot markets. In...
Joint pricing–production decisions in supply chains of complementary products with uncertain demand
Consider n manufacturers, each producing a different product and selling it to a...
Controlling inventories in divergent supply chains with advance-order information
This paper considers a generic one-warehouse multiple-retailer inventory system under...
Order assignment and scheduling in a supply chain
We consider the supply chain of a manufacturer who produces time-sensitive products...
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