Country: United States

Found 17049 papers in total
Estimation of average backorders for an assemble-to-order system with random batch demands through extreme statistics
We investigate inventory management for a large-scale multi-product, multi-component...
ASP, The art and science of practice: recoupling inventory control research and practice: guidelines for achieving synergy
With the widening disconnect between inventory-control research and practice, people...
Ford–Otosan optimizes its stocks using a six-sigma framework
Ford–Otosan, a producer of light and medium commercial vehicles, wanted to...
On the effectiveness of top-down strategy for forecasting autoregressive demands
We investigate the relative effectiveness of top-down versus bottom-up strategies for...
Institutional root of the Chinese budget crisis: fiscal decline and unbalanced central–local relationship
Although the Chinese economy has experienced a strong and rapid growth due to the...
The accessibility of financial reporting of U.S. municipalities on the Internet
In recent years accounting standard setters and professional bodies have issued...
Public risk management: development and financing
Public risk management is a relatively new but important element of public management...
Indicators of revenues and expenditures of state and local governments: a measurement model approach
Government fiscal officers, practitioners and policy makers constantly deal with...
Paradigm change in Operations Research: Thirty years of debate
From the 1970s onwards, the OR community in Britain engaged in ongoing debate on the...
Classification and regression via integer optimization
Motivated by the significant advances in integer optimization in the past decade, we...
Maximin Latin hypercube designs in two dimensions
The problem of finding a maximin Latin hypercube design in two dimensions can be...
On the asymptotic validity of fully sequential selection procedures for steady-state simulation
We present fully sequential procedures for steady-state simulation that are designed...
Controlled sequential bifurcation: a new factor-screening method for discrete-event simulation
Screening experiments are performed to eliminate unimportant factors so that the...
Dynamic control of a multiclass queue with thin arrival streams
As a model of make-to-order production, we consider an admission control problem for a...
Robust mean-covariance solutions for stochastic optimization
We provide a method for deriving robust solutions to certain stochastic optimization...
Defending critical infrastructure
We apply new bilevel and trilevel optimization models to make critical infrastructure...
Lexicographically minimum and maximum load linear programming problems
In this paper, we introduce the lexicographically minimum load linear programming...
Combinatorial Benders' cuts for mixed-integer linear programming
Mixed-integer programs (MIPs) involving logical implications modeled through big-M...
Global optimality conditions for discrete and nonconvex optimization – with applications to Lagrangian heuristics and column generation
The well-known and established global optimality conditions based on the Lagrangian...
Solving nonlinear single-unit commitment problems with ramping constraints
We present a dynamic programming algorithm for solving the single-unit commitment...
A branch-and-cut algorithm without binary variables for nonconvex piecewise linear optimization
We give a branch-and-cut algorithm for solving linear programs (LPs) with continuous...
Enhancing a branch-and-bound algorithm for two-stage stochastic integer network design-based models
In this paper we present branch-and-bound (B&B) strategies for two-stage...
A branch-and-price algorithm for the multilevel generalized assignment problem
The multilevel generalized assignment problem (MGAP) is a variation of the generalized...
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