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Found 17049 papers in total
Exact solutions to task allocation problems
The task allocation problem (TAP) is one where a number of tasks or modules need to be...
A note on probability distributions with increasing generalized failure rates
Distributions with an increasing generalized failure rate (IGFR) have useful...
Fast, fair, and efficient flows in networks
We study the problem of minimizing the maximum latency of flows in networks with...
Variable disaggregation in network flow problems with piecewise linear costs
We study mixed-integer programming formulations, based upon variable disaggregation,...
Adaptive importance sampling technique for Markov chains using stochastic approximation
For a discrete-time finite-state Markov chain, we develop an adaptive importance...
A new bottom-left-fill heuristic algorithm for the two-dimensional irregular packing problem
This paper presents a new heuristic algorithm for the two-dimensional irregular...
Decision making with multiattribute performance targets: the impact of changes in performance and target distributions
In many situations, performance on several attributes is important. Moreover, a...
The architecture of participation: Does code architecture mitigate free riding in the open source development model?
This paper argues that the architecture of a codebase is a critical factor that lies...
Open source software user communities: A study of participation in Linux user groups
We conceptualize participation in Linux user groups (LUGs) in terms of group-referent...
Entry strategies under competing standards: hybrid business models in the open source software industry
The paper analyzes the strategies of software firms that have entered the open source...
Dynamic mixed duopoly: A model motivated by Linux vs. Windows
This paper analyzes a dynamic mixed duopoly in which a profit-maximizing competitor...
Two-sided competition of proprietary vs. open source technology platforms and the implications for the software industry
Technology platforms, such as Microsoft Windows, are the hubs of technology...
Location, location, location: How network embeddedness affects project success in open source systems
The community-based model for software development in open source environments is...
Strategic interaction and knowledge sharing in the K Desktop Environment developer mailing list
In stark contrast with the fully participative ‘bazaar’ imagery of open...
Exploring the structure of complex software designs: an empirical study of open source and proprietary code
This paper reports data from a study that seeks to characterize the differences in...
Motivation, governance, and the viability of hybrid forms in open source software development
Open source software projects rely on the voluntary efforts of thousands of software...
Understanding the motivations, participation, and performance of open source software developers: a longitudinal study of the Apache projects
Understanding what motivates participation is a central theme in the research on open...
The promise of research on open source software
Breaking with many established assumptions about how innovation ought to work, open...
Least cost management of solid waste collection
Most developing countries have to grapple with the problem of efficient solid waste...
Sensitivity analysis of a dynamic fleet management model using approximate dynamic programming
We present tractable algorithms to assess the sensitivity of a stochastic dynamic...
An analytical model for traffic delays and the dynamic user equilibrium problem
In urban transportation planning, it has become critical (1) to determine the travel...
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