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Found 17049 papers in total
Modeling integrative, multiple issue bargaining
Integrative, multiple issue bargaining can be expected to characterize many decision...
Control of material handling transporter in automated manufacturing
This paper presents a real time routing method for material handling transporters in...
Analysis of profit-linked total-factor productivity measurement models at the firm level
The purpose of the paper is to present the results of a comparative analysis of two...
Market discontinuities and strategic planning: A research agenda
A research agenda for market discontinuities and strategic research is presented.
An early classic misplaced: Ford W. Harris’s economic order quantity model of 1915
The familiar square-root formula for the optimal economic order quantity was derived...
A dynamic lot-size model with make-or-buy decisions
This paper considers a dynamic lot-size model with make-or-buy decisions. In each...
A dynamic programming approach to stochastic assembly line balancing
Consider the problem of minimizing the required number of work stations on an assembly...
A general framework for modeling production
The authors introduce a general framework that guides the management scientist’s...
OR in practice: A longitudinal study
Three pairs of questionnaires were sent to Operations Research Society of America...
A multivariate study of firm performance and the use of modern analytical tools and financial techniques
A survey of the Fortune 500 firms reveals that major domestic corporations are...
The effect of regret on optimal bidding in auctions
While most models of auctions and competitive bidding assume that each bidder’s...
On the maintenance of systems composed of highly reliable components
The authors consider the dynamic repair allocation problem for a general...
A simple algorithm for the system reliability in the 1-out-of-n system with exponential repair times
Consider a reliability model with one operating unit and n-1 warm standby units. The...
An error components model of cost overruns and schedule slip on army R&D programs
What has been causing cost overruns and schedule slippages in Army major weapon-system...
Twenty years of Technological Forecasting and Social Change
An appreciation of the first twenty years of Technological Forecasting and Social...
Forecasting and planning today plus or minus twenty years
Forecasting, planning, the applications of futures research, and the awareness of the...
Futures research: Did I meet its promises? Can it meet its promise?
The reader is first asked to go back with the author for a moment to 1963, the year in...
Open order due date maintenance in MRP systems
This paper is concerned with the problem of maintaining open order due dates in job...
Reflections on the past and future of the future
This anniversary is an occasion for celebrating what has been done, but also for...
Batching to minimize flow times on parallel heterogeneous machines
Traditional scheduling models have emphasized sequencing of tasks at machines. At...
Future’s futures
While mankind’s fascination with the future dates back as far as history, the...
The fixed job schedule problem with working-time constraints
The authors consider a generalization of the fixed job schedule problem where a bound...
A note on what we have learned about the methods of futures planning
In the last decade or two, perhaps the most important trend in the use of futures...
Optimal scheduling of products with two subassemblies on a single machine
The authors consider a single machine job shop in which subassemblies of two different...
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