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Found 17049 papers in total
Dual criteria preemptive open-shop problems with minimum makespan
In this article the authors present an algorithm for the minimum makespan preemptive...
Open-shop scheduling with release dates to minimize maximum lateness
The authors present the first polynomial-time algorithm for an open-shop problem with...
Development of a quality-assurance system for a wine producer in Greece
All industries realize the need for careful and systematic quality management, even...
SONET Toolkit: A decision support system for designing robust and cost-effective fiber-optic networks
Bellcore has built the SONET Toolkit decision support software to design robust...
Statistical and simulation analysis assists Santa Clara Valley Water District planning
Using Extend simulation software, the authors analyzed the Santa Clara County,...
Public pension funds and economically targeted investments
As the assets of public employee retirement systems grow (to $1 trillion by...
An analytical approach to reshaping the United States Army
The Total Army Personnel Life Cycle Model (Taplim) was developed to study the impacts...
Scheduling peacetime rotation of Pakistan Army units
Because Pakistan has varying climates and terrains, the Pakistan Army rotates its...
Search for an infiltrator
A discrete search game on an array of n ordered cells for n•9 , with two players:...
Criteria and approximate methods for path-constrained moving-target search problems
A search is conducted for a target moving in discrete time among a finite number of...
Introduction to the special issue on air-land-naval warfare models
This introduction to three special issues of Naval Research Logistics places military...
An introduction to variable-resolution modeling
It is commonly necessary in analysis and other activities involving models to work at...
Cutting some trees to see the forest: On aggregation and disaggregation in combat models
Most models of air and land combat use schemes of aggregation and disaggregation in...
Temple Dental School uses an expert system to schedule students’ clinical rotations
Each semester, Temple University School of Dentistry must develop a complex schedule...
Experiments in variable resolution combat modeling
This article examines the differences in combat outcomes predicted by models of...
Creating policy alternatives using stakeholder values
Choices that require multiple stakeholders to balance conflicting objectives are among...
A stochastic version of the concepts evaluation model (CEM)
The concepts evaluation model (CEM) is a computer simulation model of ground and air...
A synthesis of methods for simulating vulnerability of armored vehicles
The purpose of the present article is to describe a number of methods for simulating...
A salvo model of warships in missile combat used to evaluate their staying power
A methodology is introduced with which to compare the military worth of warship...
The analysis of Ship Air Defense: The simulation model SEAROADS
The Simulation, Evaluation, Analysis, and Research On Air Defense Systems model...
The effects of market power on the stocks and prices of world coffee
The objective of this study is to explore the consequences of market power for optimal...
Strategic and operational management with optimization at Tata Steel
Tata Steel has been striving to optimize its operations amidst scarce resources and...
Municipal tax structure and accounting disclosure
Two competing hypotheses have been developed in the public economics literature to...
Routing tankers for dairy milk pickup
Etah Dairy, a unit belonging to Lipton India Ltd. and located in the state of Uttar...
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