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Strategic capacity rationing to induce early purchases
Liu Qian
An extended abstract of a 2005 winner of the MSOM Society Student Paper Competition....
Comparing decision rules that incorporate customer diversion in perishable asset revenue management situations
Weatherford Lawrence R.
Most of the initial work on perishable asset revenue management situations assumed no...
Supply chain coordination for false failure returns
Guide V. Daniel R.
False failure returns are products that are returned by consumers to retailers with no...
Global diffusion of ISO 9000 Certification through supply chains
Corbett Charles J.
The ISO 9000 series of quality management systems standards is widely diffused, with...
Performance evaluation and stock allocation in capacitated serial supply systems
Gupta Diwakar
We develop an approximation scheme for performance evaluation of serial supply systems...
The benefits of re-evaluating the real-time fulfillment decisions
Xu Ping Josephine
An extended abstract of a 2005 winner of the MSOM Society Student Paper Competition....
Sale timing in a supply chain: when to sell to the retailer
Taylor Terry A.
A fundamental decision for any manufacturer is when to sell to a downstream retailer....
Extending the horizons: environmental excellence as key to improving operations
Corbett Charles J.
The view that adopting an environmental perspective on operations can lead to improved...
A heuristic algorithm for the capacitated multiple supplier inventory grouping problem
Shetty Bala
This paper presents and solves a model for the multiple supplier inventory grouping...
Operations systems with discretionary task completion
Yuen Gigi
An extended abstract of a 2005 winner of the MSOM Society Student Paper Competition....
Service system design with immobile servers, stochastic demand, and congestion
Elhedhli Samir
The service system design problem seeks to locate a set of service facilities,...
The role of automation and labor in determining customer satisfaction in a telephone repair service process
Wilson Darryl D.
Telephone repair process and performance relationships are modeled using a structural...
Ramifications of monitoring service quality through passively solicited customer feedback
Sampson Scott E.
It is common for service providers to collect data from customers as part of efforts...
Effects of erroneous estimation of activity durations on scheduling and dispatching a single project
Yang Kum-Khiong
This research examines the effects of erroneous estimation of activity durations on...
Final-offer arbitration and risk aversion in bargaining
Gerchak Yigal
Negotiations are often conducted under the stipulation that an impasse is to be...
The effects of statistical information on risk and ambiguity attitudes, and on rational insurance decisions
Wakker Peter P.
This paper presents a field study into the effects of statistical information...
Simulation of coherent risk measures based on generalized scenarios
Nelson Barry L.
In financial risk management, coherent risk measures have been proposed as a way to...
Risk, ambiguity, and decision choice: some additional evidence
Ray Manash R.
This paper extends prior research by jointly assessing the roles of risk attitude and...
Why a decision maker may prefer a seemingly unfair gamble
Prakash Arun J.
It is generally believed that risk-averse managers will not accept unfair gambles and...
The best things in life were free: on the technology of transactions
Zipkin Paul H.
Radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology will reduce the costs of transactions...
Optimal policy for a reseller when the supplier offers a temporary reduction in price
Abad Prakash L.
A common practice in product distribution is the case in which the supplier offers a...
Examining the impact of speed of quality improvement on quality-related costs
Adam Everett E.
The Fine quality-based learning curve model is extended to include the consideration...
An examination of the effect of continuous quality improvements on optimal pricing for durable goods
Narasimhan Ram
This paper investigates the nature of optimal prices for a durable good in the...
Master production rescheduling policy in capacity-constrained just-in-time make-to-stock environments
Kern Gary M.
This paper describes a simulation experiment to evaluate the relative effectiveness of...
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