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Found 17049 papers in total
Capacitated location problems on a line
This paper examines capacitated facility loction problems on a straight line. To serve...
Bus service optimization and car pricing policies to save fuel in urban areas
The effectiveness of optimal bus policy for dealing with fuel consumption in urban...
Strategies for reducing emissions of air pollutants from the Swedish transportation sector
Different strategies for reducing emissions of nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide from...
Dynamic route guidance, congestion and disobedience to route advice
This paper presents an optimal guidance algorithm which takes into account the...
The use of spatial separation in the measurement of transportation accessibility
In a recent article, Allen et al introduce what they call a new transportation...
Dynamic processes and equilibrium in transportation networks: Toward a unifying theory
Traditionally, traffic assignment models, both for within-day static and dynamic...
Municipal budgets: Governance, surveillance, and legitimation
This study investigates the effect of instutitonal controls (governance), accounting...
Linearly-constrained entropy maximization problem with quadratic cost and its applications to transportation planning problems
Many transportation problems can be formulated as a linearly-constrained convex...
Access: The transport-land use economic link
The notion of access has evolved from a physical measure of trip interaction to a more...
A heterosedastic extreme value model of intercity travel model choice
Estimation of disaggregate mode choice models to estimate the ridership share on a...
Markovian real-time adaptive-control of singal systems
An approach to real-time control of a network of signalized intersections is proposed...
Using compressed workweeks to reduce work commuting
The idea that compressed workweeks can reduce work commuting is not new, but little...
Derivatives of the performance index for the traffic model from TRANSYT
This paper forms a starting point for the investigation of phase-based optimisation of...
Automated guided vehicle traffic control at a container terminal
Because a large number of vehicles use the same infrastructural facilities, the...
An equilibrium route choice model with explicit treatment of the effect of intersections
This paper describes the implementation of a framework for incorporating detailed...
Models and algorithms for distribution problems with uncertain demands
The authors consider the problem of distributing goods from one or more plants through...
Road pricing and network equilibrium
The paper presents a deterministic static equilibrium model for urban transport...
Optimal allocation of two fixed service units acting as M/G/1 queues
The authors consider a districting problem placed in the general context of optimal...
On the functional form of the speed-density relationship-I: General theory
In this work a functional form for the speed-density relationship is presented. This...
Capacitated location problem on a line
This paper examines capacitated facility location problems on a straight line. To...
On the functional form of the speed-density relationship-II: Empirical investigation
In this part the authors applied the theory developed in Part I. Some speed-density...
How households use different types of vehicles: A structural driver allocation and usage model
The vehicle miles of travel for each vehicle in multi-vehicle households is modelled...
An extended macroscopic model for traffic flow
This paper presents a model of traffic on a highway based on the macroscopic...
Regional mass transit assignment with resource constraints
This paper considers a mass transit system in a regional area. The problem if...
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