Country: United States

Found 17049 papers in total
A further study of an approximation for last-exit and first-passage probabilities of a random walk
Identities between first-passage or last-exit probabilities and unrestricted...
Sample-path stability conditions for multiserver input-output processes
The authors extend the present studies of sample-path stability to multiserver...
Diffusion approximation for first overflow time in GI/G/m system with finite capacity
The authors present a diffusion approximation of the first overflow time in the G/G/m...
A discrete single server queue with Markovian arrivals and phase type group services
The authors consider a single-server discrete queueing system in which arrivals occur...
Comments on a single server queue
This paper is devoted to comments on a topic of great interest which well illustrates...
The transient M/G/1/0 queue: Some bounds and approximations for light traffic with application to reliability
The paper considers the transient analysis of the M/G/1/0 queue, for which P n (t)...
A new simulation estimator of system reliability
A basic identity is proven and applied to obtain new simulation estimators concerning...
Using common random numbers for indifference-zone selection and multiple comparisons in simulation
The authors present a general recipe for constructing experiment design and analysis...
The reporting of school district efficiency: The adequacy of ratio measures
Demands for accountability in education are not a new phenomenon, however, they have...
Convergence rates for empirical Bayes two-action problems: The uniform U(0,θà) distribution
The purpose of this paper is to study the convergence rates of a sequence of empirical...
Problem of uniqueness in the renewal process generated by the uniform distribution
The renewal process generated by the uniform distribution, when interpreted as a...
On revelation transforms that characterize probability distributions
A characterization of exponential, geometric and of distributions with...
Asymptotic classification of aliasing structures
The effects of quantization of quickly oscillating functions are considered. An...
Variability functions for parametric-decomposition approximations of queueing networks
The paper proposes an enhancement to the parametric-decomposition method for...
Integrated spatial-temporal detectors for asynchronous Gaussian multiple-access channels
The optimum (maximum likelihood) multi-element global sequence detector is derived for...
A first passage problem and its applications to the analysis of a class of stochastic models
A problem of the first passage of a cumulative random process with generally...
A hazard-based duration model of shopping activity with nonparametric baseline specification and nonparametric control for unobserved heterogeneity
Activity duration is an important component of the activity participation behavior of...
Attitudes towards debt-equity-swaps and privitatization of State-Owned Enterprises in Chile
This study describes the privatization experience of Chile focusing primarily on the...
Model to reduce airline schedule disturbances
A wide variety of factors result in disturbances in carrying out planned airline...
European and American approaches to air transport liberalisation: Some implications for small communities
This paper looks at the impact of the European Union (EU) ‘Third Package’...
Dynamic systems, variational inequalities and control theoretic models for predicting time-varying urban network flows
In this paper, the authors set forth certain axioms for a positive theory of dynamic...
A review of neural networks applied to transport
This paper attempts to summarise the findings of a large number of research papers...
Non-convex traffic assignment on a rectangular grid network
The paper considers here an idealized infinite rectangular grid of roads with a...
Transport and third world development: Review, issues, and prescription
Transport investment accounts for a major share of the capital formation of less...
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