Optimization of simulation via quasi-Newton methods

Optimization of simulation via quasi-Newton methods

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Article ID: iaor19982499
Country: United States
Volume: 6
Issue: 4
Start Page Number: 398
End Page Number: 408
Publication Date: Sep 1994
Journal: ORSA Journal On Computing
Authors: ,
Keywords: optimization

This paper discusses the application of quasi-Newton methods to optimization of simulation. Specifically, it describes a general methodology that combines response surface methodology and other optimization techniques with quasi-Newton methods. Using quasi-Newton methods in the vicinity of the optimum speeds up the convergence rate of response surface methodology, the gradient, and search methods. From the class of quasi-Newton methods, we recommend Broyden–Fletcher–Granno–Schmidt and Davidon's methods. These methods are effective without exact line searches. Two examples demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.


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