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Found 17049 papers in total
Job shop scheduling by local search
We survey solution methods for the job shop scheduling problem with an emphasis on...
An O(n log n) algorithm for the two-machine flow shop problem with controllable machine speeds
In this paper we consider the two-machine flow shop problem with varying machine...
A branch-and-bound algorithm for single-machine earliness–tardiness scheduling with idle time
We address the NP-hard single-machine problem of scheduling n independent jobs so as...
Scheduling periodic tasks
We consider the problem of nonpreemptively scheduling periodic tasks on a minimum...
Earliness–tardiness scheduling around almost equal due dates
The just-in-time concept in manufacturing has aroused interest in machine scheduling...
Openshop scheduling under linear resources constraints
Consider n jobs ( J l , …, J n ), m working stations ( M l , …, M m ) and...
Scheduling to minimize the total compression and late costs
We consider a single-machine scheduling model in which the job processing times are...
Single machine sequencing with linear models of release dates
The paper deals with a problem of scheduling a set of jobs on a single machine. Before...
Coordinating production and inventory to improve service
Customer service has assumed strategic importance in most manufacturing environments....
Relative pre-positioning of storage/retrieval machines in automated storage/retrieval systems to minimize maximum system response time
In this paper, the problem of pre-positioning a storage/retrieval (S/R) machine in an...
Relative pre-positioning of storage/retrieval machines in automated storage/retrieval system to minimize expected system response time
This paper is focused on the control problem of determining the dwell point of an idle...
A heuristic approach to warehouse layout with class-based storage
This paper presents a procedure for warehouse layout. It employs the principles of...
An optimal path of a moving vehicle on a sphere
We consider the problem of finding an optimal path of a moving vehicle, which during...
A matching based exact algorithm for capacitated vehicle routing problems
A branch and bound algorithm for capacitated vehicle routing is described. Lower...
A GRASP for the vehicle routing problem with time windows
This paper addresses the problem of finding the minimum number of vehicles required to...
The distribution problem with carrier service: A dual based penalty approach
The distribution problem with carrier service is an important optimization problem...
The vehicle routing problem with time windows. Part I: Tabu search
This paper describes a tabu search heuristic for the vehicle routing problem with time...
The vehicle routing problem with time windows. Part II: Genetic search
This paper is the second part of a work on the application of new search techniques...
Probabilistic analysis of a combined aggregation and math programming heuristic for a general class of vehicle routing and scheduling problems
We propose and analyze a heuristic that uses region partitioning and an aggregation...
Effects of color as an executional cue in advertising: They're in the shade
In designing print ads, one of the decisions the advertiser must make is which...
Advertising fee in business-format franchising
Most franchisors charge an advertising fee in addition to the better known royalty and...
Optimal replacement and management policies for beef cows
Beef cow replacement studies have not reflected the interaction between herd...
Linear-space algorithms that build local alignments from fragments
This paper presents practical algorithms for building an alignment of two long...
The importance of being large – The relationship between size and fitness in females of the parasitoid Aphaereta minuta  (Hymenoptera, Braconidae)
1. The relationship between the size of a female parasitoid and its fitness is a major...
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