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Found 17049 papers in total
Production quotas as bounds on interplant JIT contracts
We consider the situation of a supplier plant whose customer plants desire...
Withdrawal of team autonomy during concurrent engineering
Team autonomy is an essential characteristic of cross-functional teams engaged in...
A dynamic survey of graph labeling
A vertex labeling of a graph G is an assignment f of labels to the vertices of G that...
An improved algorithm for the constrained bottleneck spanning tree problem
We propose an algorithm to solve the bottleneck spanning tree problem with an...
Some experimental and theoretical results on test case generators for the maximum clique problem
We describe and analyze test case generators for the maximum clique problem (or...
A branch and cut algorithm for a Steiner tree-star problem
This paper deals with a Steiner tree-star problem that is a special case of the degree...
Calculating the reserve for a time and usage indexed warranty
Many products carry a warranty that offers protection for the consumer against low...
The multi-tier tree problem
This paper studies the multi-tier tree (MTT) problem, a generalization of the...
Using on-line sensors in statistical process control
As manufacturing technology moves toward more computerized automation, statistical...
Opportunities for improved statistical process control
Our Bayesian dynamic programming model builds on existing models to account for...
Does implementing an effective TQM program actually improve operating performance? Empirical evidence from firms that have won quality awards
This study explores the hypotheses that implementing effective total quality...
Estimating reliability of components with increasing failure rate using series system data
The maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) for a distribution function with increasing...
Models and Experiments in Risk and Rationality
Optimization-based planning for the stochastic lot-scheduling problem
We describe a finite-horizon stochastic optimization model for the stochastic...
Generalized preemption models for single-machine dynamic scheduling problems
In the extensive scheduling literature, job preemption, if allowed, implies that the...
The product cycling problem under increasing yield rates
We investigate the product cycling problem (also known as the common cycle scheduling...
Scheduling n independent jobs on m uniform machines with both flowtime and makespan objectives: A parametric analysis
We consider the problem of scheduling n jobs without precedence constraints on m...
A comparison of constraint and mixed-integer programming solvers for batch sequencing with sequence-dependent setups
A batch sequencing model with sequence-dependent setup-times and -costs is used to...
Optimal scheduling of tasks on identical parallel processors
We consider the classical problem of scheduling n tasks with given processing time on...
On the asymptotic optimality of multiprocessor scheduling heuristics for the makespan minimization problem
The asymptotic performance of heuristic algorithms for the multiprocessor scheduling...
Single machine scheduling to minimize total weighted late work
In the problem of scheduling a single machine to minimize total weighted late work,...
Solving a class scheduling problem with a genetic algorithm
In this paper, we study the one-machine scheduling problem of minimizing the total...
Problem and heuristic space search strategies for job shop scheduling
In an earlier paper we discussed ‘problem’ and ‘heuristic’...
Constraint propagation based scheduling of job shops
This paper examines the minimum makespan problem for the job shop from an artificial...
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