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Found 17049 papers in total
Packet routing in telecommunication networks with path and flow restrictions
We address packet-switched telecommunication networks, including ATM, SMDS, and X.25...
Heuristics for distribution network design in telecommunication
A distribution network problem arises in a lower level of a hierarchical modelling...
Linear programming-based heuristic algorithms for interconnecting token rings via source routing bridges
We develop a method to determine the topology of a network that interconnects a number...
On minimum congestion routing in rearrangeable multihop lightwave networks
In this article we consider the problem of minimizing the congestion in logically...
An efficient decomposition algorithm to optimize spare capacity in a telecommunications network
This article presents a new model for the spare capacity allocation problem in a...
An optimal algorithm for Euclidean shortest paths in the plane
We propose an optimal-time algorithm for a classical problem in plane computational...
Reducing costs of backhaul networks for personal communications services networks using genetic algorithms
Designing cost-effective telecommunications networks often involves solving several...
Design of stacked self-healing rings using a genetic algorithm
Ring structures in telecommunications are taking on increasing importance because of...
Heuristics, linear programs, and trees on trees: Network design analyses
We study a class of models, known as overlay optimization problems, composed of...
A flow algorithm for network synchronization
The problem we treat is defined on a graph where each node is associated with a...
A scatter-search-based learning algorithm for neural network training
In this article, we propose a new scatter-search-based learning algorithm to train...
Evolutionary algorithms, homomorphous mappings, and constrained parameter optimization
During the last five years, several methods have been proposed for handling nonlinear...
Exact solution of the quadratic knapsack problem
The Quadratic Knapsack Problem (QKP) calls for maximizing a quadratic objective...
Computing minimum-weight perfect matchings
We make several observations on the implementation of Edmonds' blossom algorithm for...
Cybernetic optimization by simulated annealing: Accelerating convergence by parallel processing and probabilistic feedback control
The convergence of the simulated annealing algorithm is accelerated by a probabilistic...
Applying simulated annealing to location-planning models
Simulated annealing is a computational approach that simulates an annealing schedule...
Numerical computation of the moments of a probability distribution from its transform
We present a simple, fast, and robust algorithm for numerically computing the first N...
Improved constructive multistart strategies for the quadratic assignment problem using adaptive memory
Multistart constructive approaches operate by applying a local search procedure to...
A simple dual algorithm for the generalised assignment problem
A new algorithm for the generalised assignment problem is described in this paper. The...
An object-oriented methodology for solving assignment-type problems with neighborhood search techniques
Because of its specificity, it is usually difficult to reuse computer code developed...
Dynamic programming approaches to the multiple criteria knapsack problem
We study the integer multiple criteria knapsack problem and propose...
A computational study of search strategies for mixed integer programming
The branch-and-bound procedure for solving mixed integer programming (MIP) problems...
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