Heuristics for distribution network design in telecommunication

Heuristics for distribution network design in telecommunication

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Article ID: iaor20002976
Country: United States
Volume: 6
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 131
End Page Number: 148
Publication Date: Jan 2000
Journal: Journal of Heuristics
Authors: , ,
Keywords: communications

A distribution network problem arises in a lower level of a hierarchical modelling approach for telecommunication network planning. This paper describes a model and proposes a Lagrangian heuristic for designing a distribution network. Our model is a complex extension of a capacitated single commodity network design problem. We are given a network containing a set of sources with maximum available supply, a set of sinks with required demands, and a set of transhipment points. We need to install adequate capacities on the arcs to route the required flow to each sink, that may be an intermediate or a terminal node of an arborescence. Capacity can only be installed in discrete levels, i.e., cables are available only in certain standard capacities. Economies of scale induce the use of a unique higher capacity cable instead of an equivalent set of lower capacity cables to cover the flow requirements of any link. A path from a source to a terminal node requires a lower flow in the measure that we are closer to the terminal node, since many nodes in the path may be intermediate sinks. On the other hand, the reduction of cable capacity levels across any path is inhibited by splicing costs. The objective is to minimize the total cost of the network, given by the sum of the arc capacity (cables) costs plus the splicing costs along the nodes. In addition to the limited supply and the node demand requirements, the model incorporates constraints on the number of cables installed on each edge and the maximum number of splices at each node. The model is an NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem because it is an extension of the Steiner problem in graphs. Moreover, the discrete levels of cable capacity and the need to consider splicing costs increase the complexity of the problem. We include some computational results of the Lagrangian heuristics that works well in the practice of computer aided distribution network design.


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