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Found 17049 papers in total
Embedding a sequential procedure within an evolutionary algorithm for coloring problems in graphs
We present in this article an evolutionary procedure for solving general optimization...
Coevolutionary genetic algorithms for nonconvex nonlinear programming problems: Revised GENCOP III
In this paper, we focus on general convex nonlinear programming problems and consider...
Schema theory for genetic programming with one-point crossover and point mutation
We review the main results obtained in the theory of schemata in genetic programming...
Crossover accelerates evolution in GAs with a Babel-like fitness landscape: Mathematical analyses
The effectiveness of crossover in accelerating evolution in genetic algorithms (GAs)...
Parallel local search
We present a survey of parallel local search algorithms in which we review the...
Test driving three 1995 genetic algorithms: New test functions and geometric matching
Genetic algorithms have attracted a good deal of interest in the heuristic search...
Heuristic methods for evolutionary computation techniques
Evolutionary computation techniques, which are based on a powerful principle of...
Parallel tabu search message-passing synchronous strategies for task scheduling under precedence constraints
This paper presents parallelization strategies for a tabu search algorithm for the...
Case-based reasoning for repetitive combinatorial optimization problems, Part I: Framework
This article presents a case-based reasoning approach for the development of learning...
The maximum of a function of a Markov chain and application to linkage analysis
One method of linkage analysis in humans is based on identity-by-descent of pairs of...
Geometric ergodicity of nonlinear first order autoregressive models
We consider the ergodic Markov chain satisfying X n+1 = h(X n ) + (X n...
Rare event analysis of the state frequencies of a large number of Markov chains
This paper focuses on the situation of a large number n of independent, identically...
Distribution of the number of visits of a random walk
The distribution of the number of visits to a given state within an excursion of a...
The quasi-birth–death type Markov chain with a tree structure
In this paper, we extend the notion of the quasi-birth–death (QBD) Markov chain...
A current-based model for time interval omission in Markov single ion channel gating mechanisms
A new model for time interval omission in single ion channel analysis is presented....
Phase-type distributions: Open problems and a few properties
A phase-type distribution is the distribution of a killing time in a finite-state...
Sparse representations of phase-type distributions
A phase-type distribution is the distribution of hitting time in a finite-state Markov...
A generalized Abel's partial summation formula and its application in self-organizing systems
In this paper, Abel's partial summation formula is generalized to a two-dimensional...
A graph-theoretic approach to queueing analysis. Part I: Theory
Traditionally, solving a system of linear equations XM = B by Gaussian elimination has...
A graph-theoretic approach to queueing analysis. Part II: Applications
An approach has been developed for making use of the repeated structure of Q to...
Minimax sequential procedures for Markov-additive processes
The paper deals with the problem of finding optimal, under minimax criterion,...
Biased coin design with imbalance tolerance
One of the main aspects of a sampling procedure is to determine how to collect...
A two-state partially observable Markov decision process with uniformly distributed observations
A controller observes a production system periodically, over time. If the system is in...
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