Parallel local search

Parallel local search

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Article ID: iaor20002946
Country: United States
Volume: 1
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 43
End Page Number: 65
Publication Date: Jan 1995
Journal: Journal of Heuristics
Authors: ,
Keywords: local search

We present a survey of parallel local search algorithms in which we review the concepts that can be used to incorporate parallelism into local search. For this purpose we distinguish between single-walk and multiple-walk parallel local search and between asynchronous and synchronous parallelism. Within the class of single-walk algorithms we differentiate between multiple-step and single-step parallelism. To describe parallel local search we introduce the concepts of hyper neighborhood structures and distributed neighborhood structures. Furthermore, we present templates that capture most of the parallel local search algorithms proposed in the literature. Finally, we discuss some complexity issues related to parallel local search.


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