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Found 17049 papers in total
Putting the community into organizational science: Exploring the construction of knowledge claims
Written in response to an article by Richard Weiss carried in the same issue...
Postmodernism's challenge to organization science: Self-refuting, self-indulgent, or good medicine? An editorial essay
Written as a dialogue, this editorial piece compares the relative merits of two...
Minimum covering criterion for obnoxious facility location on a network
The objective of this article was to find a location of a new facility on a network so...
Cyclic gossiping times for some classes of graphs
Gossiping and broadcasting are two problems of information dissemination described for...
Minimizing message complexity of partially replicated data on hypercubes
Within the framework of distributed and parallel computing, we consider partially...
Solving the dynamic facility location problem
This paper addresses the multiperiod, or dynamic, uncapacitated facility location...
On the location of a tree-shaped facility
This paper considers the problem of locating a central facility on a tree network. The...
Minimization of the life cycle cost for a multistate system under periodic maintenance
Although preventive maintenance policies have received extensive interest, limited...
Optimal age and block replacement policies for a multi-component system with failure interaction
In this paper we consider a generalized age and block replacement policy for a...
Top management team structure: Differential effects by environmental context
Despite the extensive literature on top management team structure (demographics),...
Optimal routings in communications networks with linearly bounded forwarding index
In a given graph with n vertices, a routing is defined as a set of n ( n – 1)...
Social capital, structural holes and the formation of an industry network
The formation of a network is determined by the opposition of two forces. The first is...
Competition in a multimarket environment: The case of market exit
Studies of competition typically have two underlying assumptions: that competition...
Control and performance in international joint ventures
The authors examine the meaning of control in international joint ventures (IJVs) and...
Holding distribution channel relationships together: The role of transaction-specific assets and length of prior relationship
The authors investigate the effect of managers' perceptions of two types of...
Partner selection and venturing success: The case of joint ventures with firms in the People's Republic of China
It has been hypothesized in the international joint venture (IJV) literature that...
Portfolio restructuring and limits to hierarchical governance: The effects of environmental uncertainty and diversification strategy
The authors test whether acquisitions and divestitures are related to environmental...
Learning from failure: Towards an evolutionary model of collaborative ventures
This paper reports on a longitudinal case study of the interaction between two...
Varieties of social influence: The role of utility and norms in the success of a new communication medium
This natural experiment investigates the introduction and use of a pair of competing...
The scope of alliances
We develop the notion that the choice of alliance scope materially affects the...
The impact of joint venture status on the longevity of Japanese stakes in US manufacturing affiliates
A number of well-known studies report that between one-third and two-thirds of...
Integrating strategic, organizational, and human resource perspectives on mergers and acquisitions: A case survey of synergy realization
Mergers and acquisitions are complex events in organizational life for which we have...
Knowledge search in international cooperative ventures
By taking a learning approach to international cooperative ventures, this study...
How buyers cope with uncertainty when acquiring firms in knowledge-intensive industries: Caveat emptor
Knowledge is frequently the focus of corporate acquisitions. It often cannot be...
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