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Found 17049 papers in total
Analysis of an adaptive algorithm to find the two nearest neighbors
Given a set S of N distinct elements in random order and a pivot x is an element of S...
Fault-tolerant minimum broadcast networks
Broadcasting is the task of transmitting a message originated at one processor of a...
Broadcasting in synchronous networks with dynamic faults
The problem of broadcasting in a network is to disseminate information from one node...
Routing algorithms for switching networks with probabilistic traffic
Switching networks with probabilistic traffic are positioned prominently in...
A new method for efficient symbolic propagation in discrete Bayesian networks
This paper presents a new efficient method for uncertainty propagation in discrete...
Minimal rankings
A k -ranking, f , for a graph G is a function f:V(G) →{1,2,...,k} such that if u,...
Topological network design of state-dependent queueing networks
Topological network design problems often contain nodes and arcs where the stochastic...
Vulnerability of scheduled networks and a generalization of Menger's theorem
An edge-scheduled network N is a multigraph G = ( V, E ), where each edge e ∈ E...
Fault-tolerant broadcasting and gossiping in communication networks
Broadcasting and gossiping are fundamental tasks in network communication. In...
The multilevel hypercube: A hierarchical hypercube network
In this paper, we present and analyze a new network called the Multilevel Hypercube...
An approximation scheme for some Steiner tree problems in the plane
We design a polynomial-time approximation scheme for the Steiner tree problem in the...
Optimal packet fragmentation and routing in computer networks
The packet fragmentation problem in computer networks is that of breaking a packet...
A lower bound for interval routing in general networks
Interval routing is a space-efficient routing method for point-to-point communication...
A branch-and-cut algorithm for the resource-constrained minimum-weight arborescence problem
In this paper, we present a branch-and-cut algorithm for the exact solution of an...
The tree center problems and the relationship with the bottleneck knapsack problems
The tree center problems are designed to find a subtree minimizing the maximum...
A tabu search algorithm for the capacitated shortest spanning tree problem
The Capacitated Shortest Scanning Tree Problem consists of determining a shortest...
Have US manufacturing inventories really decreased? An empirical study
Numerous normative models have been developed to determine optimal inventory levels,...
Approximating reduced costs under degeneracy in a network flow problem with side constraints
Reduced costs obtained from the optimal simplex tableau are not necessarily correct...
Work-team implementation and trajectories of manufacturing quality: A longitudinal field study
The study examines the sustainability of manufacturing quality improvements following...
Modelling the dynamics of supply chains
A summary of the important issues arising in supply chain research is presented. A...
Motive, opportunity, choice, and corporate illegality
Research on corporate illegality spans several distinct literatures and defies ready...
Serial production distribution systems under service constraints
We analyze the problem of minimizing average inventory costs subject to fill-rate type...
A method for obtaining the maximum multiroute flows in a network
In a communication network, a multiroute channel is more reliable than is an ordinary...
Utilizing forecast band refinement for capacitated production planning
We present a model for forecast evolution that captures two notions related to...
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