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Found 17049 papers in total
Strategic service network design for DHL Hong Kong
We developed a two-phase network planning methodology to design a service network for...
Intermodal pricing model creates a network pricing perspective at BNSF
Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway (BNSF) is exploring methods of pricing its...
A mean-variance model for route guidance in advanced traveler information systems
Traditional models of route generation are based on choosing routes that minimize...
A network based model for traffic sensor location with implications on origin/destination matrix estimates
In this paper, we define and solve the sensor location problem (SLP), that is, we look...
Modeling the commute activity-travel pattern of workers: Formulation and empirical analysis
This paper proposes a methodological framework to analyze the activity and travel...
Railroad blocking: A network design application
In this study, we formulate the railroad blocking problems as a network design problem...
Markov chains satisfying simple drift conditions for subgeometric ergodicity
This paper is concerned with ergodic Markov chains satisfying a sequence of drift...
Small and pseudo-small sets for Markov chains
In this paper we examine the relationship between small sets and their generalisation,...
The network diversion problem
The network diversion problem can be viewed as an information operations network flow...
Space-decomposition multiplier method for constrained minimization problems
In this paper, a new multiplier method that decomposes variable space into decomposed...
Global optimization: A new variant of the Alienor method
The multidimensional Alienor global optimization method has been elaborated in the...
Lipschitz continuity and the termination of interval methods for global optimization
In this paper, it is shown how the Lipschitz continuity of a global optimization...
Preconditioners for domain decomposition methods
Within the finite element tearing and interconnection domain decomposition method...
Modeling and analysis of the product assignment problem in single stage electronic assembly systems
Consider the production of an evolving family of similar products, each having a...
Nonsmooth continuous-time optimization problems: Necessary conditions
We consider Lipschitz continuous-time nonlinear optimization problems and provide...
Norton's theorem for batch routing queueing networks
This paper shows that the aggregation and decomposition results known as Norton's...
Sojourn times in non-homogeneous quasi birth–death processes with processor sharing
We study sojourn times of customers in a processor sharing queue with a service rate...
Decompositions of the queue length distributions in the MAP/G/1 queue under multiple and single vacations with N-policy
In this paper, we establish an explicit form of matrix decompositions for the queue...
Computation of steady-state probabilities for resource-sharing call-center queueing systems
Two routing rules for a queueing system of two stations are considered as alternative...
A nonlinear model for function-value multistep methods
We develop a framework employing scaling functions for the construction of multistep...
A harmonic analysis approach to simulation sensitivity analysis
Simulation sensitivity analysis is an issue faced by simulation practitioners...
A brief tutorial on the estimation of the process standard deviation
We consider the common sequential quality control problem of estimating a process...
Using Tocher's curve to convert subjective quantile-estimates into a probability distribution function
One standard approach for estimating a subjective distribution is to elicit subjective...
A new consistent estimator for linear errors-in-variables models
A new estimator for linear errors-in-variables models is considered that is based on...
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