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Found 17049 papers in total
Dynamic allocation of kidneys to candidates on the transplant waiting list
The crux of the kidney allocation problem is the trade-off between clinical efficiency...
Prison privatization and public budgeting: A meta-analysis of the literature
Corrections is one of the largest growth industries of the 1990s. Correctional budgets...
A modular architecture for rapid development of CAPP systems for agile manufacturing
Current manufacturing planning software systems, such as computer aided process...
Interlinking dimensional tolerances with geometric accuracy and surface finish in the process design and manufacture of precision machined components
A wide range of electromechanical devices are made up of a variety of miniature high...
Improving repetitive manufacturing systems: Model and insights
We consider a manufacturing system that is controlled by a fixed-cycle smoothed...
Applying quantitative marketing techniques to the Internet
Quantitative models have proved valuable in predicting consumer behavior in the...
An automated approach for planning mass tactical airborne operations
This paper develops an automated approach to plan for mass tactical airborne...
Using simulation to increase efficiency in an army recruitment office
The Israeli army used queuing analysis, simulation, and decision-support modeling to...
Estimating the economic benefits of forward-engaged naval forces
In preparing for the 1997 quadrennial defense review, US Navy leaders asked us if we...
Safe distances
This work highlights the problem in military operations of setting safety limits for...
Patterns in spatial point locations: Local indicators of spatial association in a minefield with clutter
The problem of detecting a minefield in the presence of clutter can be abstracted to...
Two dimensional rendezvous search
We consider rendezvous problems in which two players move on the plane and wish to...
Using cyclic planning to manage capacity at ALCOA
ALCOA makes aluminum-tubing products to order. The product lines' success caused a...
Underground planning at Stillwater Mining Company
As part of a new expansion effort, Stillwater Mining Company needed a tool for...
Identifying the National College Athletic's Association tournament ‘dance card’
The NCAA Basketball Tournament selection committee annually selects the Division 1...
Scheduling a major college basketball conference – revisited
Nemhauser and Trick presented the problem of finding a timetable for the 1997/1998...
Implementing and evaluating SilverScreener: A marketing management support system for movie exhibitors
Every Monday morning, Pathé Theaters in the Netherlands decides which movies in...
Free-flight and en route air safety: A first-order analysis
Under present arrangements, US commercial planes do not travel ‘as the crow...
Reducing labor costs in a load–transfer–load crossdocking terminal
Handling freight in a crossdocking terminal is labor intensive and therefore costly...
Safe at home? An experiment in domestic airline security
The paper describes a scientific experiment about a contentious policy issue: What...
A dynamic model for airline seat allocation with passenger diversion and no-shows
For airlines selling the same seats on a scheduled flight at different fares, the...
Optimized crew scheduling at Air New Zealand
The aircrew-scheduling problem consists of two important subproblems: the...
Enhancements to the Federal Aviation Authority's ground-delay program under collaborative decision making
When airport arrival capacity is reduced, it may not meet the demand placed by...
Rightsizing and management of prototype vehicle testing at Ford Motor Company
The prototype vehicles that Ford Motor Company uses to verify new designs are a major...
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