Country: United States

Found 17049 papers in total
Process capability: A criterion for optimizing multiple response product and process design
In this research, we consider the maximization of process capability as the criterion...
A comparison of U-line and straight-line performances under stochastic task times
Traditionally, assembly lines are laid out in a straight-line configuration where a...
Lot-sizing in capacitated multi-stage, serial systems
The lot-sizing problem in capacitated multi-stage systems with a serial product...
Scheduling of the optimal tool replacement times in a flexible manufacturing system
In Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMs), a cutting tool is frequently used for...
A review of different approaches to the FMS loading problem
Loading in flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs) is affected by the characteristics of...
Deadlock avoidance for sequential resource allocation systems: Hard and easy cases
Deadlock is a major problem for systems that allocate resources in real time. The key...
Performance evaluation of flexible manufacturing systems and finite local buffers: Fixed and dynamic routings
This article evaluates the performance of flexible manufacturing systems with finite...
Lot-sizing rule and freezing the master production schedule under capacity constraint and deterministic demand
This paper investigates the performance impact of lot-sizing rule ( LSR ) selection...
On the merits and pitfalls of critical chain scheduling
The direct application of the Theory of Constraints (TOC) to project management, known...
Modeling cost and schedule uncertainties – A work breakdown structure perspective
When cost and schedule uncertainty analyses are presented to decision-makers,...
Economic designs of constrained exponentially weighted moving average and combined EWMA-&Xmacr; control schemes
This research presents a comparison between the cost performance of the Exponentially...
Multivariate tolerance design using quality loss
The determination of tolerance allocations among design parameters is an integral...
Uniqueness and convergence of solutions to average run length integral equations for cumulative sum and other control charts
The Average Run Length (ARL) is the most frequently used performance measure for...
Cold-standby redundancy optimization for nonrepairable systems
A solution methodology is described and demonstrated to determine optimal design...
A decision model for deteriorating repairable systems
Complex systems are generally repaired rather than replaced after failures. If...
Exponentially weighted moving average control charts with variable sample sizes and variable sampling intervals
Traditional control charts for process monitoring are based on taking samples of fixed...
Reliability of a 2-dimensional k-within-consecutive-r × s-out-of-m × n:F system
A 2-dimensional rectangular (cylindrical) k -within-consecutive- r × s -out-of-...
Final-cost estimates for research & development programs conditioned on realized costs
Managers and their analysts must estimate program costs and completion times. Most...
The Spanish government uses a discrete multicriteria decision support system to determine data-processing acquisitions
Since 1983, all acquisitions of data-processing equipment, consulting services, and...
Linear time dynamic-programming algorithms for new classes of retricted traveling salesman problems: A computational study
Consider the following restricted (symmetric or asymmetric) traveling-salesman problem...
The online traveling salesman problem against fair adversaries
In the online traveling saleman problem, requests for visits to cities (points in a...
Dynamic and static job allocation for multi-server systems
We consider the optimal assignment of groups of jobs to a fixed number of time periods...
Restricted delivery problems on a network
We consider a delivery problem on a network in which nodes have supplies or demands...
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