Dynamic and static job allocation for multi-server systems

Dynamic and static job allocation for multi-server systems

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Article ID: iaor20022270
Country: United States
Volume: 30
Issue: 9
Start Page Number: 845
End Page Number: 854
Publication Date: Sep 1998
Journal: IIE Transactions
Authors: ,
Keywords: production, queues: applications, simulation: applications

We consider the optimal assignment of groups of jobs to a fixed number of time periods over a finite horizon to minimize the total facility idling and job waiting costs. The capacity of the facility varies randomly in the sense that the time that each one of the multiple servers becomes available is random (servers arrive late). The service times are also random and are independent and identically distributed. With approximations, we formulate a dynamic optimization model for this problem. With a simple modification, we can apply this dynamic model to a static outpatient appointment problem. We propose two methods to compute the capacity distribution: (1) Poisson approximation and (2) simulation. While the Poisson approximation works well for exponential service times, the simulation scheme enables us to use the dyanamic model without actually specifying the service time distribution. The performance measures of the schedules obtained with these two methods compare well with those of the optimal allocation obtained from (exhaustive) simulation. We also conduct numerical studies to investigate the dynamics between the idling and waiting costs ratio and the number of scheduling periods.


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