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Drive out fear (unless you can drive it in): The role of agency and job security in process improvement
Repenning Nelson P.
Understanding the wide range of outcomes achieved by firms trying to implement Total...
Price-endings when prices signal quality
Stiving Mark
This paper provides a theoretical explanation for why firms behave as though they use...
Producer–supplier contracts with incomplete information
Lim Wei Shi
This paper investigates the contract design problem of a producer when he purchases...
Efficient risk sharing: The last frontier
Pratt John W.
When rational risk-averse agents must choose among and share monetary risks, it is...
Modeling a phone center: Analysis of a multichannel, multiresource processor shared loss system
Harker Patrick T.
This paper presents a model for the study of operations at an inbound call center. The...
Analysis, design, and control of queueing systems
Stidham Shaler
As the reader will quickly discover, this article is a survey – from my personal...
Assessing the construct validity of risk attitude
Smidts Ale
Two major approaches to measuring risk attitude are compared. One, based on the...
Variance reduction techniques for estimating value-at-risk
Heidelberger Philip
This paper describes, analyzes and evaluates an algorithm for estimating portfolio...
Project management under risk: Using the real options approach to evaluate flexibility in R&D
Loch Christoph H.
Managerial flexibility has value in the context of uncertain R&D projects, as...
An evolutionary algorithm for sequencing production on a paced assembly line
Clayton Edward R.
A new sequencing method for mixed-model assembly lines is developed and tested. This...
A comparison between basic cyclic scheduling and variable cyclic scheduling in a two-stage hybrid flow shop
Tsubone Hitoshi
In this paper the impacts of two types of repetitive scheduling systems on the...
A time-oriented branch-and-bound algorithm for resource-constrained project scheduling with generalised precedence constraints
Pesch Erwin
Resource-constrained project scheduling with generalised precedence constraints is a...
Scheduling and reliable lead-time quotation for orders with availability intervals and lead-time sensitive revenues
Ravi R.
Motivated by applications in the manufacturing and service industries, we consider two...
Scheduling solutions for the paper industry
Keskinocak Pinar
This paper describes a decision support system for paper production scheduling. This...
A fluid heuristic for minimizing makespan in job shops
Weiss Gideon
We describe a single online heuristic for scheduling job shops. We assume there is a...
Facets and reformulations for solving production planning with changeover costs
Magnanti Thomas L.
We study a scheduling problem with changeover costs and capacity constraints. The...
Searching for an agent who may or may not want to be found
Gal Shmuel
There is an extensive theory regarding optimal continuous path search for a mobile or...
Online searching/on the optimality of the geometric sequences for the m ray search – online searching
Jaillet Patrick
In a recent paper, we consider the following search problem: Given m concurrent...
Rendezvous search: A personal perspective
Alpern Steve
The rendezvous-search problem was posed by the author 25 years ago. In its basic form,...
Decision making in a standby service system
Schultz Carl R.
A standby service option allows a firm to lower its risk of not having sufficient...
Effective design of products/services: An approach based on integration of marketing and operations management decisions
Thompson Gary M.
This paper presents an integrated framework for designing profit-maximizing...
Analysis of a least recently used cache management policy for web browsers
Mookerjee Vijay S.
Experience shows that document caching by a web browser is a cheap and effective way...
An extreme-value model of concept testing
Mendelson Haim
We model concept testing in new product development as a search for the most...
Sequential testing in product development
Bell David E.
A fundamental problem in managing product development is the optimal timing,...
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