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Performance measurement and design in supply chains
Baiman Stanley
This paper examines the relationship between product architecture, supply-chain...
Order dispatching and labor assignment in cellular manufacturing systems
Mabert Vincent A.
Although order and labor dispatching in the job shop manufacturing setting have been...
Solving real-world linear programs: A decade and more of progress
Bixby Robert E.
This paper is an invited contribution to the 50th anniversary issue of the journal...
An exploratory analysis of the value of the skills of information technology personnel: Their relationship to information systems infrastructure and competitive advantage
Byrd Terry Anthony
Determining and assessing the requisite skills of information technology (IT)...
Abraham Charnes and W.W. Cooper (et al.): A brief history of a long collaboration in developing industrial uses of linear programming
Cooper W.W.
This paper describes a research strategy and its results, which guided a 40+ year...
Linear programming
Dantzig George B.
This paper is part of the special 50th anniversary issue of Operations Research . Like...
Optimal models for meal-break and start-time flexibility in continuous tour scheduling
Jacobs Larry W.
This paper presents a compact integer-programming model for large-scale continuous...
The first linear-programming shoppe
Gass Saul I.
We review the early history of linear programming with respect to the solution of...
The nonstationary staff-planning problem with business cycle and learning effects
Anderson Edward G.
Managing highly skilled employees is extremely complex because of the need to balance...
A polyhedral approach to simplified crew scheduling and vehicle scheduling problems
Fischetti Matteo
Crew and vehicle scheduling are fundamental issues in public transit management....
Managing learning and turnover in employee staffing
Gans Noah
We study the employee staffing problem in a service organization that uses employee...
A reexamination of ‘measuring the congruence between market requirements and manufacturing: A methodology and illustration’
Narasimhan Ram
This paper reexamines the idea of developing an index of manufacturing fit with market...
A load-based and due-date-oriented approach to order review/release in job shops
Sabuncuoglu I.
In this paper, a new order review/release (ORR) method is proposed for shop floor...
The impact of imperfect processes on production run times
Ord J. Keith
This paper investigates the interaction between the economics of production and...
Efficient supply contracts for fashion goods with forecast updating and two production modes
Donohue Karen L.
We examine the problem of developing supply contracts that encourage proper...
Coordination of pricing and multiple-period production across multiple constant priced goods
Gilbert Stephen M.
This paper addresses the problem of jointly determining prices and production...
A tabu-search heuristic for the capacitated lot-sizing problem with set-up carryover
Gopalakrishnan Mohan
This paper presents a tabu-search heuristic for the capacitated lot-sizing problem...
Optimal lot sizes with geometric production yield and rigid demand
Anily Shoshana
A job shop has to deliver a given number of custom-order items. Production is...
Implementing real-time optimization models: A case application from the motor carrier industry
Powell Warren B.
Online models for real-time operations planning face a host of implementation issues...
Performance analysis and optimization of assemble-to-order systems with random lead times
Yao David D.
We study a single-product assembly system in which the final product is assembled to...
Sequencing just-in-time mixed-model assembly lines under station-load and part-usage constraints
Drexl Andreas
This paper deals with two most important problems, from both practical and theoretical...
One size does not fit all projects: Exploring classical contingency domains
Shenhar Aaron J.
Not many authors have attempted to classify projects according to any specific scheme,...
A contingent view of quality management – the impact of international competition on quality
Calantone Roger J.
Much of the research on quality practices and performance reflects a resource-based...
Quality-related action programs: Their impact on quality performance and firm performance
Vickery Shawnee
From analyses of the direct effects of 10 quality action programs on six firm...
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