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Found 17049 papers in total
Simultaneous multiple comparisons with the worst and best
Suppose that there are k ≥ 2 independent populations (treatments or systems), where...
A class of selection procedures based on sample quasi-ranges
Let E i = E(μ i , θ i ), = 1,....,k be k independent exponential...
Calibration with many checking rules
Each period an outcome (out of finitely many possibilities) is observed. For...
Complexity of the Economic Lot Schedule Problem with general cyclic schedules
We show that the Economic Lot Schedule Problem is NP-hard in the strong sense under...
Nondegeneracy concepts for zeros of piecewise smooth functions
A zero of a piecewise smooth function F , is said to be nondegenerate if the function...
An adaptable problem-space-based search method for flexible flow line scheduling
Problem-space-based neighbourhoods have been recently suggested in the literature for...
Semismooth homeomorphisms and strong stability of semidefinite and Lorentz complementarity problems
Based on an inverse function theorem for a system of semismooth equations, this paper...
Scheduling policies, batch sizes, and manufacturing lead times
In this paper we examine the impact of scheduling policies on batch sizing decisions...
The circuit polytope: Facets
Given an undirected graph G = (V, E) and a cost vector c ∈ R(E), the weighted...
Complexity of the minimum base game on matroids
This paper studies the complexity of computing solution concepts for a cooperative...
On the convergence of fictitious play
We study the Brown–Robinson fictitious play process for non-zero sum games. We...
Stationary strategies for recursive games
We study two-person, zero-sum recursive matrix games framing them in the more general...
Contraction conditions for average and alpha-discount optimality in countable state Markov games with unbounded rewards
The goal of this paper is to provide a theory of N-person Markov games with unbounded...
Potentials and weighted values of nonatomic games
The ‘potential approach’ to value theory for finite games was introduced...
On the determinateness of m × infinity bimatrix games
In this paper a positive answer is given to the question of whether every...
Cooperation indices and weighted Shapley values
The weighted Shapley values are extended to situations defined by a cooperative game...
Cost allocation for a tree network with heterogeneous customers
We analyze a cost allocation problem which could naturally arise from a situation...
Vector summation in Banach space and polynomial algorithms for flow shops and open shops
We consider the flow shop and the open shop problems with m machines and n jobs; M is...
On the complexity of coordination
Many results on repeated games played by finite automata rely on the complexity of the...
Conservation laws, extended polymatroids and multiarmed bandit problems: A polyhedral approach to indexable systems
We show that if performance measures in stochastic and dynamic scheduling problems...
Zero-sum semi-Markov games
This paper deals with Borel state and action spaces zero-sum semi-Markov games under...
A polynomial algorithm for multiprocessor scheduling with two job lengths
The following multiprocessor scheduling problem was motivated by scheduling...
Solution of a functional equation arising in continuous games: A dynamic programming approach
This paper deals with a functional equation in a zero-sum continuous game. The...
Improved approximation schemes for scheduling unrelated parallel machines
We consider the problem of scheduling n independent jobs on m unrelated parallel...
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