Let Ei = E(μi, θi), = 1,....,k be k independent exponential distributions/populations with μi(θi) as the location (scale) parameter of ith population. In literature use of quasi-range as a measure of dispersion has been advocated in censored samples because it is robust against outliers. In this paper, we propose a class of subset selection procedures based on sample quasi-ranges to select a random size subset of the populations E1,....,Ek which contains a population corresponding to the least scale parameter with probability at least P*, a pre-specified value, (1/k < P* < 1). The constants needed to implement these procedures are tabulated. The members of the proposed class possess the monotonicity property and the maximum value of expected subset size is kP*. The procedures are very useful and easy to apply (even by persons without advanced statistical background) in reliability, engineering and quality control, where the exponential distribution is used to model the life length of components and the experimenter has censored samples (or samples containing outliers or small sample sizes) with which to work.