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On the value of some infinite matrix games
Mndez-Naya Luciano
It is shown that a zero-sum two-person noncooperative game A defined by a bounded...
On lower bounds of the second-order directional derivatives of Ben-Tal, Zowe and Chaney
Ng K.F.
Let f be a regular, locally Lipschitz real-valued function defined on an open convex...
Approximating subdifferentials by random sampling of gradients
Burke J.V.
Many interesting real functions on Euclidean space are differential almost everywhere....
Properties of the log-barrier function on degenerate nonlinear programs
Wright Stephen, J.
We examine the sequence of local minimizers of the log-barrier function for a...
The theory of 2–regularity for mappings with Lispschitzian derivatives and its applications to optimality conditions
Solodov M.V.
We study local structure of a nonlinear mapping near points where standard regularity...
A superlinearly convergent algorithm for the monotone nonlinear complementarity problem without uniqueness and nondegeneracy conditions
Fukushima Masao
The purpose of this paper is to present an algorithm for solving the monotone...
On the Glivenko–Cantelli problem in stochastic programming: Linear recourse and extensions
Schultz R.
Integrals of optimal values of random optimization problems depending on a finite...
Quantitative stability in stochastic programming: The method of probability metrics
Rachev S.T.
Quantitative stability of optimal values and solution sets to stochastic programming...
The distribution of values in the quadratic assignment problem
Barvinok A.
We obtain a number of results regarding the distribution of values of a quadratic...
The stable allocation (or ordinal transportation) problem
Baou Mourad
The stable allocation problem generalized the 0,1 stable matching problems...
Sharp results on convergence rates for the distribution of GI/M/1/K queues as K tends to infinity
Choi Bong Dae
In this paper, we investigate how fast the stationary distribution π (K) of an...
Empirical testing of the infinite source Poisson data traffic model
Resnick S.
The infinite source Poisson model is a fluid queue approximation of network data...
On the dynamics and performance of stochastic fluid systems
Last Gnter
A (generalized) stochastic fluid system Q is defined as the one-dimensional Skorokhod...
A stochastic lower bound for assemble–transfer batch service queueing networks
Economou Antonis
Miyazawa and Taylor introduced a class of assemble–transfer batch service...
Assessing an intuitive condition for stability under a range of traffic conditions via a generalised Lu–Kumar network
Glazebrook Kevin D.
We argue the importance both of developing simple sufficient conditions for the...
Smoothing effect of the superposition of homogeneous sources in tandem networks
Hordijk Arie
We analyze the smoothing effect of superposing homogeneous sources in a network. We...
A note on the rate of convergence to equilibrium for Erlang's model in the subcritical case
Voit Michael
We derive some asymptotic results for the rate of convergence to equilibrium for the...
On the dependence structure and bounds of correlated parallel queues and their applications to synchronized stochastic systems
Xu Susan H.
The paper studies the dependence structure and bounds of several basic prototypical...
A closed form solution for the asymmetric random polling system with corrected Levy input process
Lee T.
We introduce a simple approach for modeling and analyzing the random polling system...
Stability of multiclass queueing networks under first-in-first-out service discipline
Chen H.
In this paper, we first formally identify a first-in first-out (FIFO) fluid network...
The delay of open Markovian queueing networks: Uniform functional bounds, heavy traffic pole multiplicities, and stability
Kumar P.R.
For open Markovian queueing networks, we study the functional dependence of the mean...
Approximating extreme points of infinite dimensional convex sets
Smith R.L.
The property that an optimal solution to the problem of minimizing a continuous...
Integral polyhedra related to even-cycle and even-cut matroids
Guenin Bertrand
A family of sets ℋ is ideal if the polyhedron {x ≥ 0 : Σ i∈S x i...
A separation algorithm for b-matching degree-sequence polyhedra
Zhang F.
A b -matching of a graph is an assignment of non-negative integers to edges such that...
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