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Found 17049 papers in total
Optimizing the marketing interventions mix in intermediate-term customer relationship management (CRM)
We provide a fully personalized model for optimizing multiple marketing interventions...
Delegating pricing decisions in competitive markets with symmetric and asymmetric information
Delegating pricing decisions to the salesforce has been a salient issue for marketing...
Dual emphasis and the long-term financial impact of customer satisfaction
This paper draws on the quality profitability emphasis framework of Rust, Moorman, and...
Customized products: A competitive analysis
This paper investigates the competitive market for mass-customized products....
Heavy-traffic limits for the G/H2*/n/m queue
We establish heavy-traffic stochastic-process limits for queue-length, waiting-time...
Globalization of authorship in the marketing discipline: Does it help or hinder the field?
Marketing scholars have reflected upon the marketing discipline's internal evolution...
Routing jobs to servers with deterministic service time
In this paper we consider the problem of routing deterministic arriving jobs to...
Prediction in marketing using the support vector machine
Many marketing problems require accurately predicting the outcome of a process or the...
On the average waiting time for regular routing to deterministic queues
We consider a deterministic queueing system in which N = 2 servers of different...
The effect of product assortment changes on customer retention
This research investigates the impact of a large-scale assortment reduction on...
Fluid queues with heavy-tailed M/G/∞ input
We consider a fluid queue fed by several heterogeneous M/G/ ∞ input processes...
Understanding geographical markets of online firms using spatial models of customer choice
As the online channel matures, many firms are finding that an understanding of how...
The lead–lag puzzle of demand and distribution: A graphical method applied to movies
Understanding the lead–lag relationship between distribution and demand is an...
Submodularity, supermodularity, and higher-order monotonicities of pseudo-Boolean functions
Classes of set functions defined by the positivity or negativity of the higher-order...
“Counting your customers” the easy way: An alternative to the Pareto/NBD model
Today's managers are very interested in predicting the future purchasing patterns of...
The impact of utility balance and endogeneity in conjoint analysis
Adaptive metric utility balance is at the heart of one of the most widely used and...
A model of the effects of reputational rankings on organizational change
Reputational rankings published by the media have emerged as important sources of...
How to lie with bad data
As Huff's landmark book made clear, lying with statistics can be accomplished in many...
A practice perspective on technology-mediated network relations: The use of Internet-based self-serve technologies
Embedded relationships with customers have been key in generating repeat business and...
Toward an integration of agent- and activity-centric approaches in organizational process modeling: Incorporating incentive mechanisms
This paper presents an approach to organizational modeling that combines both...
Indentification in face-to-face, hybrid, and pure virtual teams: Untangling the contradictions
Identification is a person's sense of belonging with a social category. Identification...
Technological discontinuities and complementary assets: A longitudinal study of industry and firm performance
We suggest that the type of complementary assets (generic versus specialized) needed...
Speed and search: Designing organizations for turbulence and complexity
We use an innovative technique to examine an enduring but recently neglected question:...
A model of organizational integration, implementation effort, and performance
The notion of integration is central to the understanding of organizations in general...
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