Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
The stability notions for fuzzy nonlinear programming problem
This paper deals with the stability of fuzzy multiobjective nonlinear programming...
A pathsearch damped Newton method for computing general equilibria
Computable general equilibrium models and other types of variational inequalities play...
Solving multistage stochastic network programs on massively parallel computers
Multi-stage stochastic programs are typically extremely large, and can be...
Revenue recycling of a carbon dioxide tax: Results from a general equilibrium model for Switzerland
This paper combines a recent proposal by the Swiss government for a carbon dioxide tax...
The Newton direction and the cutting plane
The authors show that, for strictly convex quadratic functions, the Newton direction...
Massively parallel computation of large-scale spatial price equilibrium models with discriminatory ad valorem tariffs
In this paper, the authors develop a perfectly competitive spatial equilibrium model...
Hidden convexity in some nonconvex quadratically constrained quadratic programming
The authors consider the problem of minimizing an indefinite quadratic objective...
Evaluation of junior colleges of technology: The Taiwan case
Junior colleges of technology (JCTs) in Taiwan are evaluated every three years by the...
A strongly polynomial algorithm for a convave production-transportation problem with a fixed number of nonlinear variables
The authors show that the production-transportation problem involving an arbitrary...
Considering offshore production platforms
Hansen et al. provides us with a most significant piece of work and one which, by...
On the generalized 2-Peripatetic Salesman Problem
Given an undirected graph the 2-Peripatetic Salesman Problem (PSP) is the problem that...
Energy planning under import restrictions
Changing energy prices will normally have important long range implications for an...
Discharge allocation for hydro-electric generating stations
This paper is concerned with the allocation of discharge among generating units of a...
The relaxation time heuristic for the initial transient problem in M/M/k queueing systems
The relazation time heuristic is a technique for reducing initialization bias in...
Optimization of nuclear reactor reloading patterns
The loading pattern of fuel bundles in a reactor core determines the characteristics...
Simultaneous determination of capacities and load in parallel M/M/1 queues
This paper addresses an analytical model to simultaneously determine the processing...
Cost optimization for the slitting of core laminations for power transformers
The successful realization of a project for slitting core laminations for power...
Practical methods for queue length behaviour for bulk service queues of the form M/G0’,C/1 and M(t)/G0’,C/1
Bulk service queueing systems of a transportation type are considered. Practical...
A note on the predictability of Finnish stock market returns: Evidence from stock index futures markets
This paper provides further evidence on the predictability of the Finnish stock market...
Observing general service queues before joining
A ‘smart’ customer S uses a strategy of waiting and observing two parallel...
On the relations among the distributions at different epochs for discrete-time GI/Geom/1 queues
In this paper the authors discuss the discrete-time GI/Geom/1 queue and derive...
Computing data envelopment analysis/assurance region efficiency and profit ratio measures with an illustrative bank application
This paper describes how the recent, published DEA/AR theoyr, in conjunction with...
Evolving multi-humped distributions of stock market prices-An empirical observation of nonequiliÂbrium behavior
The standard random walk model of the stock market is based on the observation that...
Queues with switchover-A review and critique
In many importnat applications, a situation is encountered where the service capacity...
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