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Combining regression diagnostics with simulation metamodels
Houck Ernest C.
In a 1983 article in this journal Kleijnen proposed a lack-of-fit cross-validation...
Greenhouse gas abatement-toward Pareto-optimal decisions under uncertainty
Manne Alan S.
This paper examines the economic logic of integrated assessment-balancing the costs...
Correlation-inducing variance reduction in regenerative simulation
Song Wheyming Tina
This paper proposes a variance reduction technique that can be applied to regenerative...
Simulation for planning services for patients with coronary artery disease
Davies R.
Simulation models were developed in Pascal to predict the resource use and cost...
A methodology for solving multi-objective simulation-optimization problems
Azadivar Farhad
For many practical and industrial optimization problems where some or all of the...
OO/DEVS: A platform for industry simulation and strategic modelling
Ninios P.
OO/DEVS is a software platform designed for industry modelling and simulation. By that...
Efficiency improvement in data envelopment analysis
Kao Chiang
Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a mathematical programming approach to assessing...
A recursive linear programming analysis of the future of the pulp and paper industry in the United States: Changes in supplies and demands, and the effects of recycling
Buongiorno Joseph
The impacts of increased paper recycling on the U.S. pulp and paper sector are...
Technological leadership and variety: A Data Envelopment Analysis for the French machinery industry
Cantner Uwe
The authors investigate structure and structural change within the French machinery...
Decision making by classical test procedures using an optimal level of significance
Das C.
This paper expands the decision space of a hypothesis testing situation by including...
Similarity of fuzzy data in a case-based fuzzy system in anaesthesia
Petersen Jrg
Real world expert systems generally require a large amount of explicit deep knowledge...
Second order mathematical programming formulations for discriminant analysis
Stam Antonie
This paper introduces a nonparametric formulation based on mathematical programming...
On the performance of linear programming heuristics applied on a quadratic transformation in the classification problem
Banks William J.
The pauthors have applied LP heuristics to a quadratic transformtion of the...
A comment regarding polynomial discriminant functions
Rubin P.A.
The two papers abstracted above, the first by Duarte Silva and Stam and the second by...
A generalized oil exploration problem
Benkherouf Lakdere
This paper considers a general version of the oil exploration problem model previously...
An adaptive statistical method for the discriminant problem
Markowski Carol A.
This paper proposes an adaptive statistical method for the discriminant problem. The...
The time path of the marginal cost of oil: The turning point and the subsequent upward drift
Ruefli T.W.
The gradual exhaustion of existing deposits of a depletable non-renewable resource...
Multivariate multiple linear regression based on the minimum sum of absolute errors criterion
Narula Subhash C.
The authors propose the minimum sum of absolute errors (MSAE) criterion for estimating...
A new single model and derived algorithms for the satellite shot planning problem using graph theory concepts
Paschos Vangelis Th.
The satellite shot sequencing problem consists in choosing the pictures to be...
The aircraft rotation problem
Clarke Lloyd
Given a set of flights to be flown for a specific aircraft type, with specified...
Modeling economic time series by forward and backward state space innovation models and IV estimators
Aoki Masanao
This paper shows how the backward innovation model of a weakly stationary stochastic...
On operational research and decision aid
Roy Bernard
Receiving this EURO Gold Medal has been for me an occasion to reflect upon what we do,...
Forecasting: Its role and value for planning and strategy
Makridakis Spyros
Long-term predictions are indispensable for planning and strategy. Yet little is known...
The primal Douglas-Rachford splitting algorithm for a class of monotone mappings with application to the traffic equilibrium problem
Fukushima Masao
The paper applies the Douglas-Rachford splitting algotithm to a class of multi-valued...
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