Evaluation of junior colleges of technology: The Taiwan case

Evaluation of junior colleges of technology: The Taiwan case

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Article ID: iaor19971902
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 72
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 43
End Page Number: 51
Publication Date: Jan 1994
Journal: European Journal of Operational Research
Keywords: programming: linear, statistics: data envelopment analysis

Junior colleges of technology (JCTs) in Taiwan are evaluated every three years by the government under five categories: educational goal, instructors, curriculum, equipment, and administration. A lot of effort and expenditures are devoted to each evaluation. In this paper a quantitative method based on the concept of Pareto-optimal organization which is much easier to conduct is proposed. As a matter of fact, this method is a simpler version of the data envelopment analysis (DEA) technique for measuring relative efficiency. Data from departments of industrial engineering and management of eleven JCTs are collected to illustrate how this method is applied to real world evaluation. The results from this quantitative evaluation coincide perfectly with that of the government evaluation. From a dual analysis, suggestions for improvement for each JCT are also derived.


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