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Quality defaults and work-in-process inventory
Cordon Carlos
The objective of this paper is to analyze the interactions between quality defaults...
Nesting planning based on production priorities and technological efficiency
Maimon O.
The purpose and contribution of this work is in developing a methodology for...
Optimal recovery strategies for manufacturing systems
Kao Jih-Forg
This paper presents a framework to generate optimal error recovery strategies in...
Contract design and the control of quality in a conflictual environment
Tapiero Charles S.
This paper provides an approach to quality supply by a supplier and quality inspection...
Modeling global market entry decision by fuzzy logic with an application to country risk assessment
Yoon Eunsang
This research introduces a fuzzy logic framework to support global market entry...
Semiactive, active, and non-delay schedules for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem
Drexl A.
We consider the resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP). The focus of...
Weighted flow time-bounds for scheduling identical processors
Webster S.
We present two lower bounds for the identical parallel processor weighted now time...
Analysis of approximation algorithms for single-machine scheduling with delivery times and sequence independent batch setup times
Zdrzaka Stanisaw
The paper deals with the single-machine scheduling problem in which each job has a...
Scheduling to minimize the total resource consumption with a constraint on the sum of completion times
Li Chung-Lun
We consider the problem of scheduling a set of jobs on a single machine where the...
An application of genetic algorithms for flow shop problems
Chen Chuen-Lung
This research studies an application of genetic algorithms for flow shop problems with...
Heuristics for scheduling a single machine subject to unequal job release times
Reeves Colin
Solving realistic scheduling problems in a reasonable amount of computer time almost...
Bicriterion stochastic scheduling on one or more machines
Forst Frank G.
This paper is concerned with two types of bicriterion stochastic scheduling problems,...
Multiple and bicriteria scheduling: A literature survey
Haddock Jorge
Real life scheduling problems require the decision maker to consider a number of...
Minimizing late jobs in the general one machine scheduling problem
Dauzre-Prs Stphane
In this paper, the problem of minimizing the number of late jobs on one machine is...
Resource-constrained job scheduling with recyclable resources
Shewchuk J.P.
In resource-constrained project scheduling problems, resources are typically...
Scheduling on a 2-machine flowshop subject to random breakdowns with a makespan objective function
Mittenthal J.
Two-machine flowshop scheduling problems have been discussed in the literature...
Exact and approximation algorithms for the operational fixed interval scheduling problem
Salomon Marc
The Operational Fixed Interval Scheduling Problem (OFISP) is characterized as the...
Heuristics for scheduling in flowshop with multiple objectives
Rajendran Chandrasekharan
Most of the heuristics for flowshop scheduling aim at minimizing makespan. However,...
FUN: A dynamic method for scheduling problems
Widmer M.
Real time control is an important part of scheduling problems, which have become a...
Generalized pairwise interchanges and machine scheduling
Croce Federico Della
In this paper a generalization of pairwise interchanges is considered and applied to...
Scheduling jobs within time windows on identical parallel machines: New model and algorithms
Gabrel Virginie
This article analyses the problem of scheduling non-preemptive jobs processed within...
Job-shop scheduling: Computational study of local search and large-step optimization methods
Loureno Helena Ramalhinho
We present a computational study of different local search and large-step optimization...
A comparative study of both standard and adaptive versions of threshold accepting and simulated annealing algorithms in three scheduling problems
Haley K.B.
Local search techniques are reported to be effective for many optimization problems...
An improved dynamic programming algorithm for the single-machine mean absolute deviation problem with a restrictive common due date
Ventura Jose A.
In 1991, Hall et al. showed that the problem of minimizing the mean earliness and...
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