Resource-constrained job scheduling with recyclable resources

Resource-constrained job scheduling with recyclable resources

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Article ID: iaor19981157
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 81
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 364
End Page Number: 375
Publication Date: Mar 1995
Journal: European Journal of Operational Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: resource-constrained assignment

In resource-constrained project scheduling problems, resources are typically classified as being either renewable, non-renewable, or doubly-constrained. A new resource classification, recyclable, is introduced. Notation and a generalized problem formulation are developed for resource-constrained job scheduling problems where resources are recyclable. This foundation is then used for studying the single-machine scheduling problems with tooling constraints. For a given set of jobs, the problem is to find the job sequence, tool type quantities, and tool recycling schedule such that the sum of job completion times and quantity of tools allocated are both minimized. Two solution approaches are developed, and examples are used to compare and contrast the approaches. The results indicate that the ‘traditional’ job scheduling approach (i.e. schedule jobs first, then tools) can lead to sub-optimal solutions. Furthermore, by scheduling jobs and tools simultaneously, it may be possible to attain a given level of performance with fewer tools.


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