Scheduling on a 2-machine flowshop subject to random breakdowns with a makespan objective function

Scheduling on a 2-machine flowshop subject to random breakdowns with a makespan objective function

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Article ID: iaor19981158
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 81
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 376
End Page Number: 387
Publication Date: Mar 1995
Journal: European Journal of Operational Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: flowshop

Two-machine flowshop scheduling problems have been discussed in the literature extensively under the assumption that machines are continuously available. We address the problem of minimizing makespan in a two-machine flowshop when the machines are subject to random breakdowns. We first show that it is sufficient to consider the same sequence of the jobs on each machine. After providing an elimination criterion for minimizing makespan with probability 1, we show that under appropriate conditions Johnson's algorithm stochastically minimizes makespan.


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