Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
On the monotonization of polyhedra
In polyhedral combinatorics one often has to analyze the facial structure of less than...
Measure concentration in optimization
We discuss some consequences of the measure concentration phenomenon for optimization...
Integer programming approaches to facilities layout models with forbidden areas
The facilities layout problem is concerned with a given number of facilities of some...
Multicriteria planar location problems
Given Q different objective functions, three types of single-facility problems are...
Tight linear programming relaxations of uncapacitated p-hub median problems
The problem of locating hub facilities and allocating non-hub nodes to those hubs...
Imperfect maintenance
The maintenance of a deteriorating system is often imperfect: the system after...
PAC-learning a decision tree with pruning
Empirical studies have shown that the performance of decision tree induction usually...
Imperfect maintenance policies for deteriorating production systems
This paper investigates imperfect maintenance policies for deteriorating production...
The synthetic hierarchy method: An optimizing approach to obtaining priorities in the AHP
A new method of synthesizing local and criteria priorities into global priorities is...
Computing services supply management: Incentives, information, and communication
The management of computing resources and the choice of the organizational form used...
Comparing the predictive validity of alternatively assessed multi-attribute preference models when relevant decision attributes are missing
Multi-attribute decision problems require that trade-offs between conflicting...
The logarithmic least squares and the generalized pseudoinverse in estimating ratios
This paper concerns the pairwise-comparison method used in Analytic Hierarchy Process....
Stochastic dominance in an ordinal world
Existing stochastic dominance (SD) rules apply to variables such as income, wealth and...
Fast deterministic approximation for the multicommodity flow problem
In this paper we consider an optimization version of the multicommodity flow problem...
A robustness approach to uncapacitated network design problems
In this paper, we address uncapacitated network design problems characterised by...
The coordinated replenishment dynamic lot-sizing problem with quantity discounts
In the classical coordinated replenishment dynamic lot-sizing problem, the primary...
Tool allocation and machining conditions optimization for CNC machines
In the literature, there exist many variations of machining economics problem in terms...
A branch-and-cut algorithm for the equicut problem
We describe an algorithm for solving the equicut problem on complete graphs. The core...
Mixed integer programming model formulations for dynamic multi-item multi-level capacitated lotsizing
Recently there have been two new proposals to model the dynamic multi-item multi-level...
The Steiner tree packing problem in VLSI design
In this paper we describe several versions of the routing problem arising in VLSI...
A polynomial time primal network simplex algorithm for minimum cost flows
Developing a polynomial time primal network simplex algorithm for the minimum cost...
A quantitative approach to estimate the size of the time buffer in the theory of constraints
This paper describes a new approach in calculating the optimal size of the time buffer...
A new strongly polynomial dual network simplex algorithm
This paper presents a new dual network simplex algorithm for the minimum cost network...
The impact of parameters setting in load oriented manufacturing control
One of the most successful Order Review and Release techniques proposed in literature...
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