Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
A new pivot selection rule for the network simplex algorithm
We present a new network simplex pivot selection rule, which we call the minimum ratio...
Optimal design of a generalized conveyor-serviced production station: Fixed and removal item cases
This paper treats an approach to the optimal design of the conveyor system such that...
On strongly polynomial dual simplex algorithms for the maximum flow problem
Several pivot rules for the dual network simplex algorithm that enable it to solve a...
Dynamic trees as search trees via Euler tours, applied to the network simplex algorithm
The dynamic tree> is an abstract data type that allows the maintenance of a...
How to compute least infeasible flows
It is well-known how to use maximum flow to decide when a flow problem with demands,...
Flows on hypergraphs
We consider the capacitated minimum cost flow problem on directed hypergraphs. We...
Multiflows and disjoint paths of minimum total cost
In this paper we discuss a number of recent and earlier results in the field of...
GA based simulation of immune networks applications in structural optimization
Genetic algorithms have received considerable recent attention in the optimal design...
The role of evolutionary and adaptive search during whole system, constrained and detailed design optimization
The paper introduces various strategies which incorporate evolutionary and adaptive...
Simulation modelling and analysis of a JIT production system
The JIT production systems have been a focus of interest to researchers. Although...
Evolution strategies in engineering optimization
The available methods used for the solution of optimization problems in engineering...
Kuratowski convergence of the efficient sets in the parametric linear vector semi-infinite optimization
In the space of whole linear vector semi-infinite optimization problems we consider...
Evolution program for deterministic and stochastic optimizations
This paper presents an evolution program for deterministic and stochastic...
Project selection with discounted returns and multiple constraints
This paper considers the problem of selecting a subset of N projects subject to...
A note on ‘Hierarchical models for multi-project planning and scheduling’
We consider the multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem. The focus...
A heuristic for network project scheduling with random activity durations depending on the resource allocation
This paper presents a heuristic for resource-constrained network project scheduling. A...
Efficiently solvable special cases of hard combinatorial optimization problems
We survey some recent advances in the field of polynomially solvable special cases of...
Reducing performance variation in the canning problem
Modern quality management practices recommend the elimination of fixed numerical...
Assignment and sequencing models for the scheduling of process systems
This paper presents an overview of assignment and sequencing models that are used in...
Two applications of the Divide&Conquer principle in the molecular sciences
In this paper, two problems from the molecular sciences are addressed: the enumeration...
An iterative algorithm for scheduling unit-time tasks with precedence constraints to minimise the maximum lateness
We consider the maximum lateness problem in which all tasks have the same execution...
Semidefinite programming in combinatorial optimization
We discuss the use of semidefinite programming for combinatorial optimization...
Two generalizations of Dykstra's cyclic projections algorithm
Dykstra's cyclic projections algorithm allows one to compute best approximations to...
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