Let ƒ : Rd × Rd′ → R be a Borel-measurable function which satisfies ∫Rd′|ƒ(θ,x)|q0(dx) < ∞, ∀θ ∈ Rd, where q0(·) is a probability measure on (Rd′,&Bauriol;d′). The problem of minimization of the function ƒ0(θ) = ∫Rd′ƒ(θ,x)q0(dx), θ ∈ Rd, is considered for the case when the probability measure q0(·) is unknown, but a realization of a non-stationary random process {Xn}n≥1 whose single probability measures in a certain sense tend to q0(·), is available. The random process {Xn}n≥1 is defined on a common probability space, Rd′-valued, correlated and satisfies certain uniform mixing conditions. The function ƒ(·,·) is completely known. A stochastic gradient algorithm with random truncations is used for the minimization of ƒ0(·), and its almost sure convergence is proved.