Estimation of the most likely equilibrium traffic queueing pattern in a capacity constrained network

Estimation of the most likely equilibrium traffic queueing pattern in a capacity constrained network

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Article ID: iaor2000305
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 87
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 73
End Page Number: 85
Publication Date: Apr 1999
Journal: Annals of Operations Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: queues: applications

Network equilibrium models have recently been enhanced by explicitly incorporating link capacity constraints, resulting in queueing network equilibrium traffic patterns. Unfortunately, queueing delays at equilibrium are not unique, and thus models suffer deficiencies that limit their applications in network traffic control and management. This article proposes an entropy-maximizing method to determine the most likely equilibrium traffic queueing pattern in a capacity constrained network. Queue-weighting factors or queueing probabilities are estimated based on the location of the saturated links in the network, and incorporated into an entropy-maximizing model of the queueing distribution. The proposed method would significantly enhance the application of the current queueing network equilibrium models in the design and operation of congested traffic systems.


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