Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Credible equilibria in non-finite games and in games without perfect recall
Credible equilibria were defined in Ferreira et al . to handle situations of...
Unilateral commitment in the finitely repeated prisoners’ dilemma
In this paper, we modify the finitely repeated prisoners’ dilemma by adding an...
Two-person non-zero-sum games as multicriteria goal games
In this paper, we propose a new way to analyze bimatrix games. This new approach...
Cooperative solutions in an economic growth game
A differential game with workers and capitalists as players is considered. The players...
On the structure of the set of Nash equilibria of weakly nondegenerate bimatrix games
In two-person games where each player has a finite number of pure strategies, the set...
Constrained games, intervening duality and experimenter–experiment interactions
In a previous paper I introduced the idea of intervening duality with a context of...
Axioms for the Shapley value on convex geometries
The purpose of this article is an extension of Shapley's value for games with...
Computational implementation of Fujishige's graph realizability algorithm
Fujishige's PQ-graph algorithm is one of the most computationally efficient algorithms...
The line index and minimum cut of weighted graphs
In this paper we discuss the line index and the minimum capacity, sum of the weights...
Simulated annealing for the unconstrained quadratic pseudo-Boolean function
In this paper, we develop a simulated annealing (SA) based heuristic for the...
Iterative methods based on splittings for stochastic automata networks
This paper presents iterative methods based on splittings (Jacobi, Gauss–Seidel,...
Planning the evolution to broadband access networks: A multicriteria approach
The interplay between continuing technical innovations, development of multifaceted...
Kohonen maps for solving a class of location–allocation problems
Location–allocation problems occur whenever more than one facility need be...
Neural and delay based heuristics for the Steiner problem in networks
High speed networks such as the B-ISDN must be adequately equipped to handle...
Neural networks for image and video compression: A review
This paper examines much of the recent and/or important work in the field of neural...
Improved exploration in Hopfield network state–space through parameter perturbation driven by simulated annealing
An approach is presented for treating discrete optimization problems mapped on the...
Distribution network optimization: Finding the most economic solution by using genetic algorithms
The problem of finding the optimal features in a distribution network is approached...
Benchmarks for shop scheduling problems
In this paper we present extensive sets of randomly generated test problems for the...
Random sequencing jobs with deadlines problem: Growth of the optimal solution values
In the paper an asymptotic value of the sequencing jobs with deadlines (SJD) problem...
A model of clinker capacity expansion
This paper describes a model which has been applied in practice to determine an...
Probability distributions of cost, revenue and profit over a warranty cycle
A warranty cycle starts with the sale of a new item and terminues when the warranty...
Solving the generalised assignment problem using polyhedral results
The Generalised Assignment Problem (GAP) consists of finding a maximal profit...
A branch-and-bound algorithm for the quadratic assignment problem based on the Hungarian method
This paper presents a new branch-and-bound algorithm for solving the quadratic...
Economic spare capacity planning for Digital Cross-Connect System mesh-restorable networks
This paper considers an integer programming (IP) based optimization algorithm to solve...
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