Busy periods of two-stage tandem service systems and their algorithmic implementation

Busy periods of two-stage tandem service systems and their algorithmic implementation

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Article ID: iaor2000535
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 87
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 319
End Page Number: 332
Publication Date: Apr 1999
Journal: Annals of Operations Research
Keywords: tandem queues

Busy periods of finite buffer tandem service systems have not been addressed in the available literature. This paper defines the stage-I and stage-II busy periods of a two-stage tandem service system M(x)/M/c → /PH(r)/1/K, analytically obtains their distributions, and presents efficient algorithms for the distributions with uniform error in time. The detailed analysis and algorithmic implementation for the two-stage tandem service system are completed, and the theoretical basis for its potential practical applications is provided.


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