Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
What is simulated annealing?
Beginning in 1983, simulated annealing was marketed as a global optimization...
Combining routing and buffer allocation problems in series-parallel queueing networks
Given a series-parallel queueing network topology with exponential servers of finite...
Analysis of a fork/join synchronization station with inputs from Coxian servers in a closed queuing network
Fork/join stations are commonly used to model the synchronization constraints in...
Are branch and bound and A* algorithms identical?
Heuristic Search and Branch and Bound algorithms have many similarities. In this...
A new decomposition approach for non-cyclic continuous material flow lines with a merging flow of material
We extend the decomposition approaches for flow lines with unreliable machines and...
Optimality condition and Branch and Bound algorithm for constrained redundancy optimization in series systems
This paper considers the constrained redundancy optimization problem in series...
Unreliable transfer lines: decomposition/aggregation and optimization
Complexity has been a long standing obstacle to efficient buffer assignment in...
Solving large mixed integer nonlinear programming problems on computational grids
We consider the solution of Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming (MINLP) problems by a...
Capacity and production management in a single product manufacturing system
In planning and managing production systems, manufacturers have two main strategies...
Generalized invex monotonicity
In this paper the generalized invex monotone functions are defined as an extension of...
Production and subcontracting strategies for manufacturers with limited capacity and volatile demand
We study a manufacturing firm that builds a product to stock to meet a random demand....
Optimal control of failure-prone manufacturing systems with constant repair times
This paper considers a failure-prone manufacturing system with exponentially...
A combined convex approximation–interior point approach for large scale nonlinear programming
The method of moving asymptotes and its globally convergent extension SCP (sequential...
Modelling teams and workgroups in manufacturing
One of the major features of Japanese manufacturing techniques is the extensive use of...
A global optimization approach to classification
We reduce the classification problem to solving a global optimization problem and a...
Minimum effort approximation of the Pareto space of convex bi-criteria problems
One of the major issues facing design practitioners using multiple-criteria...
Makespan estimation in batch process industries: A comparison between regression analysis and neural networks
Batch processing is becoming more important in the process industries, because of the...
Separate and carousel type allocations of workers in a U-shaped production line
In this paper, we consider a U-shaped production line with multiple multi-function...
Stochastic Dynamic Programming
This paper gives a general introduction to stochastic dynamic programming, using...
Reducing the cost of defects in multistage production systems: A budget allocation perspective
Manufacturing firms are frequently concerned with operational improvements of their...
The effect of material flow and workload on the performance of machine location heuristics
Depending on the problem structure and routing strategies a machine location problem...
A goal programming procedure for solving problems with multiple fuzzy goals using dynamic programming
This paper describes how the preemptive priority based goal programming (GP) can be...
Short-term robustness of production management systems: A case study
Whereas operations research concentrates on optimization, practitioners find the...
An interactive goal programming procedure for operational recovery problems
We propose an interactive Goal Programming (GP) for operational recovery problems that...
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