Combining routing and buffer allocation problems in series-parallel queueing networks

Combining routing and buffer allocation problems in series-parallel queueing networks

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Article ID: iaor20042540
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 125
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 47
End Page Number: 68
Publication Date: Jan 2004
Journal: Annals of Operations Research
Authors: ,
Keywords: queueing networks

Given a series-parallel queueing network topology with exponential servers of finite capacity, a systematic design methodology is presented that approximately solves the optimal routing and buffer space allocation problems within the network. The multi-objective stochastic nonlinear programming problem in integer variables is described and a two-stage iterative optimization procedure is presented which interconnects the routing and buffer space allocation problems. The algorithmic procedure couples the Expansion method, a decomposition method for computing performance measures in queueing networks with finite capacity, along with Powell's unconstrained optimization procedure which allocates the buffers and a multi-variable search procedure for determining the routing probabilities. The effectiveness and efficiency of the resulting two-stage design methodology is tested and evaluated in a series of experimental designs along with simulations of the network topologies.


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