Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
On the hardness of the quadratic assignment problem with metaheuristics
Meta-heuristics are a powerful way to approximately solve hard combinatorial...
A taxonomy of hybrid metaheuristics
Hybrid metaheuristics have received considerable interest these recent years in the...
Complete local search with memory
Neighborhood search heuristics like local search and its variants are some of the most...
Local search algorithms for the bin packing problem and their relationships to various construction heuristics
The tradeoff between the speed and quality of the solutions obtained by various...
Facility location with increasing production costs
Facility location models determine the set of locations on a network that minimize the...
Tournament competition and its merits for coevolutionary algorithms
In a competitive coevolutionary algorithm, the competition strategy, selecting...
Center problems with pos/neg weights on trees
In a network with positive and negative vertex weights the pos/neg 1-center problem...
Guided local search for final placement in VLSI design
The design of a very large scale integration circuit consists of two main parts:...
Multiobjective solution of the uncapacitated plant location problem
In this paper we consider the discrete multiobjective uncapacitated plant location...
The bicriterion semi-obnoxious location problem solved by an ε-approximation
Locating an obnoxious (undesirable) facility is often modeled by the maximin or...
Planar Manhattan local minimal and critical networks
The authors consider a version of the minimum Steiner tree problem for the l 1...
The absolute center of a network
This paper presents a new algorithm for finding an absolute center (minimax criterion)...
An augmented Lagrangian algorithm for large scale multicommodity routing
The linear multicommodity network flow (MCNF) problem has many applications in the...
Obtaining a good primal solution to the uncapacitated transportation problem
Sharma and Sharma have given a new procedure to solve the dual of the well-known...
A heuristic algorithm for the mixed Chinese Postman Problem
The Chinese Postman Problem (CPP) is to find a minimum-cost Eulerian tour in a given...
Genetic algorithms for rerouting shortest paths in dynamic and stochastic networks
This paper considers the problem of finding the shortest path in a dynamic network,...
Dynamic shortest path in stochastic dynamic networks: ship routing problem
In this paper, we apply the stochastic dynamic programming to find the dynamic...
Bounds and heuristics for the shortest capacitated paths problem
Given a graph G , the Shortest Capacitated Paths Problem (SCPP) consists of...
Tabu Machine: a new neural network solution approach for combinatorial optimization problems
A new artifical neural network solution approach is proposed to solve combinatorial...
Vendor evaluation with performance variability: a max–min approach
The importance of incorporating multi-dimensional information into vendor evaluation...
The longitudinal effects of the ISO 9000 certification process on business performance
This paper develops and tests several hypotheses relating to ISO 9000 quality system...
On aggregate Farrell efficiencies
In this paper we establish the fact that an industry maximal revenue is the sum of its...
Capacity sizing in the presence of a common shared resource: dimensioning an inbound call center
This paper studies a capacity sizing problem for service systems where capacity is...
Production equilibrium point in multi-unit manufacturing systems and the vertical linear complementarity problem
A model that selects and produces products at an equilibrium point in multi-unit...
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