Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Distributed decision-making – a unified approach
The paper gives an overview over the broad area of distributed decision making (DDM)....
Neighborhood search heuristics for the uncapacitated facility location problem
The uncapacitated facility location problem is one of choosing sites among a set of...
The interactive analysis of the multicriteria shortest path problem by the reference point method
The multicriteria shortest path problem is considered. The paper presents the...
Lexicographic local search and the p-center problem
We introduce a local search strategy that suits combinatorial optimization problems...
Upper and lower bounds for the single source capacitated location problem
The single source capacitated location problem is considered. Given a set of potential...
The gradual covering decay location problem on a network
In covering problems it is assumed that there is a critical distance within which the...
A hybrid heuristic for the p-median problem
Given n customers and a set of F of m potential facilities, the p -median problem...
Sequential condition-based maintenance scheduling for a deteriorating system
This paper deals with a continuously deteriorating system which is inspected at random...
Semivalues as power indices
A restricted notion of semivalue as a power index, i.e. as a value on the lattice of...
Basic optimality results for Bayesian group replacement policies
The optimal structure of Bayesian group replacement policies for a parallel system of...
The pairwise egalitarian solution
The main aim of this paper is to introduce an ad hoc solution for transportation...
Manifolds of multi-leader Cournot equilibria
We show that the known uniqueness results for leader–follower Cournot games with...
On identifying dominant cliques
In this paper we present two graph theory-based approaches for identifying dominant...
Variable neighborhood tabu search and its application to the median cycle problem
The variable neighborhood tabu search consists of a constructive phase and a series of...
A variable neighborhood search for graph coloring
Descent methods for combinatorial optimization proceed by performing a sequence of...
The 2-path network problem
Given a graph with nonnegative edge weights and a set D of node pairs, the 2-path...
The facets of the polytope of modules of a graph
After recalling the main facts of the well-studied modular decomposition theory for...
On the complexity of the robust spanning tree problem with interval data
This paper studies the complexity of the robust spanning tree problem with interval...
Separating multi-oddity constrained shortest circuits over the polytope of stable multisets
The maximum stable set problem is -->NP -->-hard. Koster and Zymolka introduced as a...
Finding 2-edge connected spanning subgraphs
This paper studies the NP-hard problem of finding a minimum size 2-edge connected...
Local approximations for maximum partial subgraph problem
We deal with MAX H 0 -FREE PARTIAL SUBGRAPH. We mainly prove that 3-locally optimum...
A performance estimation model for an Automated Storage/Retrieval System by M/G/1 queuing system
It is quite common to adopt a static approach or computer simulation method for the...
A fully polynomial bicriteria approximation scheme for the constrained spanning tree problem
We propose a fully polynomial bicriteria approximation scheme for the constrained...
Comparative performance evaluation under uncertainty
In this article CCPR, a multidimensional framework for comparative performance...
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