Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
A parallel multlevel metaheuristic for graph partitioning
One significant problem of optimisation which occurs in many scientific areas is that...
Cooperative parallel variable neighborhood search for the p-median
We propose a cooperative multi-search method for the Variable Neighborhood Search...
Lifting theorems and facet characterization for a class of clique partitioning inequalities
In this paper we prove two lifting theorems for the clique partitioning polytope,...
Large-scale local search heuristics for the capacitated vertex p-center problem
This article investigates the application of very large neighborhood search techniques...
SASEGASA: a new generic parallel evolutionary algorithm for achieving highest quality results
This paper presents a new generic Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) for retarding the...
A general approach for constraint solving by local search
In this paper, we present a general approach for solving constraint problems by local...
Space-efficient cubes for on-line analytical processing range-sum queries
Data cubes support a powerful data analysis method called the range-sum query. The...
A knowledge management scheme for meta-data: an information structure graph
For an effective management of data, we need various kinds of meta-data. This article...
Event detection from online news documents for supporting environmental scanning
Environmental scanning, the acquisition and use of the information about events,...
An annotated bibliography of personnel scheduling and rostering
Computational methods for rostering and personnel scheduling have been a subject of...
Survey, categorization, and comparison of recent tour scheduling literature
The employee tour scheduling problem involves the determination of both work hours of...
On the optimality of facility location for wireless transmission infrastructure
The location and configuration of transmission infrastructure for cellular wireless...
Analysis of heuristic solutions to the best choice problem
In the sequential decision making task known as the best choice problem, n items are...
A stochastic set-covering location model for both ameliorating and deteriorating items
Most of the previous works on classication location models are based on the assumption...
Comparative statics under uncertainty: The case of mean-variance preferences
We analyze the comparative statics of optimal decisions under uncertainty when...
A method for multiple attribute decision-making with the fuzzy preference relation on alternatives
This paper investigates the multiple attribute decision-making (MADM) problem with...
Multiple objective-integrated methodology of global optimum decision-making on mineral resources exploitation
The concept of a complex large system of mineral resource exploitation was advanced...
A competitive facility location problem on a tree network with stochastic weights
We consider n demand points on a tree network. Two competitive companies plan to...
An interactive neural network-based approach for solving multiple criteria decision-making problems
In this paper, a new approach for solving multiple critera decision-making (MCDM)...
Dominant, an algorithm for the p-center problem
In this paper we present Dominant , an algorithm for the p -center problem, that is...
MultiGen: an integrated multiple-objective solution system
The paper presents an overview of a global multiple-objective and goal programming...
Directional decomposition heuristic for a linear machine-cell location problem
A machine-cell itself can be treated as a machine, and the location of such a cell in...
Incorporating wealth information into a multiple criteria decision making model
We describe how a multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) modelling framework can be...
The design of reverse distribution networks: Models and solution procedures
Reverse distribution, or the management of product return flows, induced by various...
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