Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
An interactive algorithm for vehicle routeing for winter-Gritting
In winter, when roads may become dangerously slippery due to frost, ice or snow, a...
An improved petal heuristic for the vehicle routeing problem
Solutions produced by the first generation of heuristics for the vehicle routeing...
A parallel implementation of the TSSP+1 decomposition for the capacity-constrained vehicle routing problem
Vehicle rotuing problems (VRPs) are known to be computationally intractable. The...
Calculating transition-probabilities for modelling weed management options using stochastic dynamic-programming
A dynamic programme to optimise the farmer’s long-term weed management problem...
Modeling optimal grain-marketing decisions when prices are generated autoregressively
A model is developed to find decision rules that maximise expected utility of income...
Optimizing weed management using stochastic dynamic-programming to take account of uncertain herbicide performance
A stochastic dynamic programme determines the farmer’s long-term weed control...
A hybrid algorithm for the solution of a single commodity spatial equilibrium model
In this paper the authors propose a hybrid algorithm for the solution of a large-scale...
A contextual approach for designing and using Operational Research OR quantitative models
Practitioners of Operations Research (OR) traditionally concentrate on mathematical...
Mathematical systems for enhancing diffuse images of point sources
The task of telescopic resolution of diffuse images of point sources can be...
Implementation style and use of implementation approaches
Managers are called on to select among implementation approaches according to...
Application of a hybrid genetic algorithm to airline crew scheduling
This paper discusses the development and application of a hybrid genetic algorithm to...
Genetic algorithms and call admission to telecommunications networks
The authors consider the admission problem for the two class M/M/C/C queueing system....
Efficiency considerations in airline pricing and yield management
Consumers and their advocates routinely criticize the practices of price...
IT strategy: Formal rational orthodoxy or contingent adhocracy?
This paper examines empirical evidence of support by managers for formal rational as...
DEA and the management of the product cycle: The U.S. computer industry
The method of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is applied to rank the efficiency of...
A small business inventory DSS: Design, development, and implementation issues
The availability of decision support and productivity software is providing...
Spontaneous decision conferencing with top-level politicians
This article describes a real project involving members of the Finnish Parliament. The...
An inventory Decision Support System using the object-oriented approach
The paper discusses an object-oriented approach for the construction of an integrated...
The potential use of DEA for credit applicant acceptance systems
This paper shows how Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) may be used to develop an...
Interdependent transportation and production activity at the United States Postal Service
Transportation decisions and production decisions can usually be made separately....
Optimal short horizon distribution operations in reusable container systems
Manufacturers in many countries are facing increasing market pressures to use...
Improving service productivity
As the economies of developed nations expand significantly into the service sector,...
A new simulated annealing algorithm for the facility layout problem
In this paper the authors present an application of simulated annealing to facility...
Classifying trend movements in the MSCI U.S.A. Capital Market Index-A comparison of regression, ARIMA and neural network methods
This paper describes the present initial results in applying neural networks to...
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