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Found 17295 papers in total
On solving the continuous data editing problem
The date editing problem is concerned with identifying the most likely source of...
SOS: A quantile estimation procedure for dynamic lot-sizing problems
This paper reviews some of the current approaches available for computing the demand...
Forecasting for items with intermittent demand
In a service environment, a stockist usually has many slow moving items whose...
On an inventory model for deteriorating items wth increasing time-varying demand and shortages
This paper presents an exact solution for the inventory replenishment problem with...
Seller-buyer system co-operation in a monopolistic market
This paper deals with a situation in which the buyer is a−in a monopolistic...
Optimal algorithm to determine the spare inventory level for a repairable-item inventory system
This article concerns the problem of determining the optimal spare inventory level for...
An algorithm for Weber’s problem on the sphere
Weber’s problem is to locate a facility in order to minimize the sum of its...
Incorporating competitors’ reactions in facility location decisions: A market equilibrium approach
When a firm locates a new plant, and begins producing and shipping product to markets,...
SUBDROP: A modified drop heuristic for location problems
A modification of the DROP heuristic is presented. This modification utilizes randomly...
A note on accelerating the Weiszfeld procedure
An accelerated method for achieving faster convergence of the Weiszfeld procedure used...
Rectilinear location revisited
This note studies the multidimensional maximin rectilinear location problem. A general...
Comparison of genetic algorithms, random restart and two-opt switching for solving large location-allocation problems
This paper examines the application of a genetic algorithm used in conjunction with a...
Dynamic relative positioning of AGVs in a loop layout to minimize mean system response time
One of the control decisions in the operation of an automated guided vehicle (AGV)...
A framework for hierarchical interactive generation of cellular layout
This paper proposes a flow-network-oriented approach that hierarchically addresses the...
Machining economics with phase-type distributed tool lives and periodic maintenance control
A Markov decision model is proposed to update dynamically the optimal cutting speed...
Conceptualizing continuous improvement: Implications for organizational change
This paper attempts to bridge the gap in the change conceptions of two different...
The linear programming alternative to policy capturing for eliciting criteria weights in the performance appraisal process
An important aspect of management is the periodic performance appraisal (PA) of...
Towards consistent performance management systems
Performance indicators (PIs) and performance measurement are popular topics in...
Fuzzy approach for multi-level programming problems
Multi-level programming techniques are developed to solve decentralized planning...
Multiple criteria R&D project selection and scheduling using fuzzy logic
Research on R&D project selection has recently focused on multiple criteria...
Long range planning in the process industries: A projection approach
The problem of selecting processes and capacity expansion policies for a chemical...
Distributed Manufacturing Support Systems: The integration of Distributed Group Support Systems with Manufacturing Support Systems
Current Manufacturing Support Systems (MSS), such as Computer-aided Manufacturing...
A comparative study of order batching algorithms
In a man-on-board storage and retrieval system, orders are combined into batches and...
How to avoid stockouts when producing several items on a single facility? What to do if you can’t?
This paper considers the Multiple Product Single Facility Stockout Avoidance Problem...
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