A bootstrap algorithm for the isotropic random sphere

A bootstrap algorithm for the isotropic random sphere

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Article ID: iaor1997416
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 27
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 627
End Page Number: 641
Publication Date: Sep 1995
Journal: Advances in Applied Probability

Let equ1 be a real-valued, homogeneous, and isotropic random field indexed in equ2. When restricted to thsoe indices equ3 with equ4, the Euclidean length of equ5 equal to r (a positive constant), then the random field equ6 resides on the surface of a sphere of radius r. Using a modified stratified spherical sampling plan equ7 on the sphere, define equ8 to be a realization of the random process and equ9 to be the cardinality of equ10. A bootstrap algorithm is presented and conditions for strong uniform consistency of the bootstrap cumulative distribution function of the standardized sample mean, equ11 are given. The paper illustrates the bootstrap algorithm with global land-area data.


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