Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Corporate modelling at RAC motoring services
A model of RAC’s roadside operations was built using a new corporate modelling...
Passing sight distance on two-lane highways: Review and revision
Several models have been developed to determine the minimum passing sight distance...
‘Local background’ levels of carbon monoxide in an urban area
The objective of this study was to obtain a better understanding of carbon monoxide...
Integer programming models for the design and balancing of flexible assembly systems
The paper presents several integer programming formulations for the design and...
A non-linear optimal greenhouse control problem with heating and ventilation
A simplified non-linear dynamic model of greenhouse crop growth with constraints on...
Some diffusion models for the Mabinogion sheep problem of Williams
The ‘Mabinogion sheep’ problem, originally due to D. Williams, is a nice...
Do decision makers know what they prefer?: MAVT and ELECTRE II
Prescriptive decision analysis has become established internationally as a tool to...
Smart Greedy procedure for solving a nonlinear knapsack class of reliability optimization problems
A new heuristic procedure, which is called Smart Greedy, is proposed for solving a...
A transportation model with multiple criteria and multiplle constraint levels
In this paper, a transportation model with multiple criteria and multiple constraint...
Behavioural issues in MCDM: Neglected research questions
Multiple-criteria decision making (MCDM) has been an important and active research...
Optimal routing designs in self-healing communications networks
Self-healing communication networks that allow re-routing of demands through switching...
End user computing sophistication and success in small firms
End user computing (EUC) is becoming an increasingly important activity in small...
Mean-value analysis for a class of Petri nets and batch-movement queueing networks with product-form equilibrium distributions
A number of recent papers have shown that there are classes of queueing networks, with...
Uniqueness of the solution for optimal static routing in open BCMP queueing networks
Optimal static routing problems in open BCMP queueing networks with state-independent...
Sojourn time analysis for a cyclic-service tandem queueing model with general decrementing service
A sojourn time analysis is provided for a cyclic-service tandem queue with general...
Approximations for the delay probability in the M/G/s queue
This paper develops approximations for the delay probability in an M/G/s queue. For...
An assignment problem for a parallel queueing system with two heterogeneous servers
In this paper, the authors consider an optimization problem for a parallel queueing...
Optimal scheduling policies in time sharing service systems
The authors consider optimal scheduling problems in a TSSS (Time Sharing Service...
To outsource IT or not?: Recent research on economics and evaluation practice
The paper reports findings from 26 longitudinal case studies of information technology...
The use of soft systems methodology in the development of a simulation of out-patient services at Watford general hospital
The effective and efficient provision of out-patient services may be assisted by the...
General conditions for bounded relative error in simulations of highly reliable Markovian systems
The paper establishes a necessary condition for any importance sampling scheme to give...
Improving discernment in DEA using profiling
The failure of data envelopment analysis to provide adequate discrimination between a...
Improving discernment in DEA using profiling: A comment
Data envelopment analysis (DEA) was originally conceived as a tool for examining the...
Data envelopment analysis in the presence of both quantitative and qualitative factors
This paper presents a framework for incorporating ordinal data factors into the...
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