Mean-value analysis for a class of Petri nets and batch-movement queueing networks with product-form equilibrium distributions

Mean-value analysis for a class of Petri nets and batch-movement queueing networks with product-form equilibrium distributions

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Article ID: iaor19971145
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 22
Issue: 10/12
Start Page Number: 27
End Page Number: 34
Publication Date: Nov 1995
Journal: Mathematical and Computer Modelling
Authors: , , ,
Keywords: petri nets

A number of recent papers have shown that there are classes of queueing networks, with batches of customers served and routed through the network, which have generalized product-form equilibrium distributions. This extends to some Petri nets. In this paper, the authors indicate how a class of these is amenable to a mean-value analysis similar to that used for single-movement networks. To bring out the simplicity of the underlying ideas, they do this by working a simple example rather than presenting the development in its generality.


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