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Enhanced adjacent extreme-point search and tabu search for the minimum concave-cost uncapacitated transshipment problem
Hindi Khalil S.
Practicable methods for optimising concave-cost, uncapacitated transshipment networks...
Two-machine proportionate flowshop scheduling with breakdowns to minimize maximum lateness
Allahverdi Ali
This paper addresses the problem of scheduling in a two-machine proportionate flowshop...
Low-complexity algorithms for sequencing jobs with a fixed number of job-classes
Zhang Shuzhong
In this paper the authors consider the problem of scheduling n jobs such that makespan...
Dynamic non-preemptive single machine scheduling
Sridharan Sri V.
Considering a dynamic single machine problem in which operations cannot be split, the...
Optimal common due-date with completion time tolerance
Epstein Sheldon
The common due-date problem involves minimizing the absolute deviation around a common...
Sequencing of robot activities and parts in two-machine robotic cells
Sriskandarajah C.
This paper deals with the development of analytical methods for determining an optimal...
Formulations and heuristics for scheduling in a buffer-constrained flowshop and flowline-based manufacturing cell with different buffer-space requirements for jobs: Part 1
Rajendran C.
This paper is the first of two dealing with the problem of scheduling in a permutation...
A prototype expert system for the evaluation and selection of potential suppliers
Choobineh Joobin
This paper suggests that the evaluation and selection of potential suppliers is...
Constructing good solutions for the spanish school timetabling problem
Alvarez-Valdes R.
In the school timetabling problem a set of lessons (combinations of classes, teachers,...
Vehicle routeing with multiple use of vehicles
Laporte Gilbert
The vehicle routeing problem with multiple use of vehicles is a variant of the...
Commercial property and the location decision
Dobson S.M.
A theoretical model of the commercial property market is developed which takes account...
An attempt to operationalize the recommendations of the ‘Limits to Growth’ study to sustain the future of mankind
Saeed Khalid
Experimenting further with the World3 model, this paper attempts to formulate the...
Testing the Snake River explorer
Ford Andrew
This article describes the design and use of a computer simulation model of the Snake...
Three-country trade relations: A discrete dynamic game approach
zyildirim S.
A three-country, two-bloc trade model is used to determine the impact of a coalition...
Systems simulation to support integrated energy analysis and liberalised planning
Bunn Derek
This paper describes the application of system dynamics to two very different energy...
OR modelling for a deregulated electricity sector
Read E.G.
OR’s role in the New Zealand electricity sector has changed as the institutional...
Using mathematical programming for electricity spot pricing
Read E. Grant
Recent moves around the world to introduce competition into electricity markets have...
Modelling hydro reservoir operation in a deregulated electricity market
Read E.G.
The authors describe a medium term market simulation model which was built to help...
The optimisation of renewable energy sources in an electric power system by use of simulation and deterministic planning models
Watson S.J.
This paper presents two models which have been developed to study the operational and...
Assessing the impact of operating constraints and operation policy on the reliability level of a generation system
Lekane Th.
This paper presents a chronological stochastic method for evaluating the reliability...
Assessing decisions on multiple uses of water and hydroelectric facilities
Lyra Christiano
Hydroelectric systems no longer stay aside from conflicts in the use of water and...
Improving electricity planning-Use of a multicriteria decision making model
Mills David
Electricity supply planners are now expected to consider a wide range of supply and...
A multiple objective linear programming approach to power generation planning with demand-side management (DSM)
Antunes C. Henggeler
The optimization of an economic indicator has traditionally been the sole objective...
A rural electrification expansion model
Mesa Oscar J.
In Colombia, power companies with capacity greater than 100MW pay royalties over gross...
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